A Call for Help Part 2
Sunday, November 2, 2008 at 10:09AM
Steve in Class, class

Hi all - I have made just small progress in finding some HR Tech vendors to partner with me on my upcoming HR Technology Class, so I thought I would re-post the original entry and try to get the word out again.

To those folks that did contact me and offer some suggestions, thanks very much it is greatly appreciated.


Please HR Tech vendors, help!!!

I am preparing to teach my HR Technology Class at RIT this Winter, and I am hopeful that I can recruit some assistance and partnership from the HR Technology community.  I am in need of some 'hands-on' experiences and exercises for my students in HR Tech, and I really need some folks in the vendor community who would be willing to participate.

My ideal scenario would be to obtain access to a hosted demo or test instance of your software, set up and design some scenarios for my class, and let me really learn what cutting-edge, enterprise HR software is all about.

In the past the only important vendor that has shown willingness to participate in my class is SpectrumHR, and I can't say how fantastic and supportive they have been to work with.  They have been over and beyond my expectations.

But what I could use the most is for one of the major Talent Management vendors to step up. Anyone from SuccessFactors, Halogen, or Taleo?

How about Workday? I would kill for the chance to get my class in any of these packages.

Look at it this way, if the economic crisis is here, you may have some time on your hands for some 'pro-bono' work.

So, I am asking, no basically begging, if anyone can help me on this, or knows someone who can, drop me a note at steveboese@gmail.com, or leave a comment.



photo credit - FlickR - aspengull

Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (http://steveboese.squarespace.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.