The Obligatory Election Post
Wednesday, November 5, 2008 at 9:27AM
Steve in Election

All bloggers must post about the Election (it is a rule in the Big Book of Internet).

Here is my Election Story, it has nothing to do with parties, philosophy, or policy.

It is about how cool and important it is to be able to vote and to make sure our kids understand this.

The Story:

Due to our work schedules, my wife and I had to vote separately, she in the early morning, and I later in the afternoon.  Both of us had to bring our 7 year old son along, he was excited about going, he likes to go into the booth and pull the levers.

When I was finished voting, we said thanks to the volunteers (they always have tons of food and snacks), and walked out of the building.  I turned to my son and said, 'Man, it sure feels good to vote'. 

My son replied, 'That's the exact same thing Mom said this morning after she voted'. 

'Really, she said that?'


It does feel good to vote, and let's make sure we always remember that.


Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (
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