I'm a stranger here myself
Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at 7:53AM
Steve in Class, HR, class

I am knee deep in prep for my HR Technology Class, version three and it really is remarkable to me how much I have learned and how much the course has changed in just a relatively short time.

In the beginning, I only had a passing knowledge of many of the tools and technologies that I now spend large portions of the class discussing.

I had never taught a undergrad or grad course before.

I had no vendor partners at all, (thanks again for the assistance this time Halogen Software).

Quite frankly I was just glad to have something to say for a couple of hours and tried to avoid looking like a complete idiot.  It did not help that the class was over-subscribed and located in a way too-small computer lab.  By the third hour, the temperature in the room had to have been about 80F and it was not a pleasant experience.

Tomorrow night I start version three, and the class is light years better than the first version.  Once in a while I run into a student from that first class, and I swear I really want to apologize.

This time I (mostly) know what I am doing, I know what to expect, and I have lined up a great set of tools and technologies to discuss and demonstrate.

I am really excited to be starting off a new session and I welcome any former and current students to give some recommendations and feedback here.


Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (http://steveboese.squarespace.com/).
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