H1N1, Twitter, and Apologies
Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 4:44PM
Steve in H1N1, Twitter, Twitter

Some folks that know me, or follow me on Twitter, know that I have been sick for about 11 or 12 days with H1N1 followed by an opportunistic infection that has proven very difficult to take out.  Day 7 of antibiotics and I am just now feeling sort of normal.

This was the sickest I can ever remember feeling, and the duration of the illness is still stunning to me.

I beg you, go get your H1N1 vaccination, you do not want to pick up this bug.

Yesterday I took my son to a locally sponsored, free H1N1 vaccination clinic for so-called 'Phase I' patients, little kids, elderly, and folks in various at-risk groups.  Naturally, there was significantly high demand for the the vaccine, we arrived at 10:00 am, and based on the volume we were staring at a four hour wait time.

Rather than have hundreds, if not thousands of people standing in a massive line on a cold, gray day, the clinic used a 'virtual line'. You took a number then simply had to return to the door when your range of numbers was called.  So due to some smart, and forward-thinking by the Town of Penfield, NY, we waited it out from the family room instead of in the car, or in a lawn chair outside.


Because in addition to on-site announcements, a low power FM radio station, and a web site, the town also provided updates as to the progress of the virtual line via Twitter updates, (see townofpenfield on Twitter). 

What a great idea, and so simple.  I was able to pop the Town into my 'Friends' tweetdeck column and easily follow the 'line' and return to the site of the clinic (about a 15 minute drive) at just about exactly the right time.  Maybe this isn't really revolutionary, but it was convenient, smart, and at least for me a fantastic example of a municipality 'getting it' and providing value on Twitter.

Lastly, I want to apologize to the numerous folks that I let down, that I owe a response e-mail, guest post, or follow-up phone call.  I am digging out slowly from this illness, and I ask your patience for a few more days while I get back to 'normal'.

Get your shots!

Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (http://steveboese.squarespace.com/).
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