HCI Webcast - Tell the Story with Technology
Thursday, May 14, 2009 at 6:45AM
Steve in Recruiting, class, webcasts

Later on this afternoon I have the great pleasure to co-present an Human Capital Institute Webcast - 'Tell the Story with Technology'.  The webcast is scheduled for Thursday, May 14 at 1:00 pm EDT.

My co-presenter is Jessica Wagner, a former student and now an HR Manager at Klein Steel in Greece, NY.

Jessica gave a great presentation on the innovative use of technology in recruiting by the US Army in my last HR Technology class.

The presentation was so powerful in class, that I tweeted about it the next morning and Amy Lewis from HCI saw the update and was interested, and ultimately this led to the scheduling of this webcast.

For anyone who is interested on the details of how this came about - I blogged about it here.

The Army does some incredible things with technology, and while the webcast platform will not allow us to fully demonstrate the 'coolness' of their approach, I will leave you with an example of what the Army is doing with technology here:  


So if you have a chance at 1:00 PM EDT, stop by, the Webcast is free, just a simple HCI Registration (also free) is needed to view the presentation.

Thanks again, Amy, and HCI for giving myself and Jessica the opportunity to present to your members today.

Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (http://steveboese.squarespace.com/).
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