The Carnival of HR is Back
Wednesday, September 16, 2009 at 8:10AM
Steve in Carnival, Carnival

The latest Carnival of HR is up, this time hosted by the fantastic HR Maven. The Maven chose a 'Back to School' theme for the Carnival, which is perfect for this time of year.

As usual the Carnival brings together some of the best work from mine and yours favorite HR bloggers. Flickr - brotherxiiSome of the highlights of this edition of the Carnival are:

Not Everyone loves Putt Putt?  by Jennifer V. Miller

Extreme Makeover: Attitude Addition from HR Gumbo

and Jon Ingham's post on Organisational Mojo.

And even my little offering, 'Majoring in Facebook' made the cut this time.

Thanks Maven for including my post, and for assembling such a great collection.

Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (
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