HR Tech Chat - At a New Time
Wednesday, September 2, 2009 at 8:00AM
Steve in Chat, HR, HR Tech, Twitter

The monthly HR Tech Twitter Chat is set for today, Wednesday September 2nd at 1:00 PM EDT.

This is a new time for the Chat, as we thought we would try a time that might encourage more participation from multiple time zones.

A quick review of how these Twitter 'theme' chats work:

At 1:00 Bryon Abramowitz of Knowledge Infusion or myself will officially start the chat with a quick welcome message. Folks who are participating are asked to Tweet out their name and role so that we can all get better acquainted. 

An example would be 'Hi, I am Steve Boese, HR Technology Instructor at RIT in New York - #HR_Tech'

We will then get the discussion going around this month's topic - HR Measurement and Metrics.

Some questions that could be explored:

1. What are the key metrics that HR leaders need to measure?

2. Are they succeeding in measuring these key items?  Why or why not?

3. What vendors and solutions seem to offer the most robust and flexible solutions right now?

These are just a few ideas, in reality the conversation will go where the group takes it and that is most of the fun of the chats.

Some Tips for Chat participants:

These chats can be really interesting and informative, but honestly they would be greatly enhanced if we get some more 'non-Tech' HR folks interested and participating.  So if you are an HR pro and have some questions or comments about Talent Management technology, or quite honestly any HR Technology, it is a great opportunity to corner at least a dozen HR Technology professionals at one time.


Hope to see your #HR_Tech Tweets tomorrow!

Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (
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