Do Amazing Things - E-Book
Monday, January 11, 2010 at 8:30AM
Steve in 2010, Collaboration, Enterprise 2.0

Chris Ferdinandi from the Renegade HR blog had a great idea a few weeks ago, enlist a number of HR professionals and bloggers and collaborate on an E-book project.

The premise : Write a short piece for the HR practitioner focusing on the question - 'What is one thing that the HR pro can do in 2010 to get better?'

Twelve contributors combined to produce the completed E-Book - 'Do Amazing Things: Things you can do to become a better HR Pro in 2010'.

Chris has a post on Renegade HR with the official announcement here, and the E-book can be downloaded as a PDF file here.

I was really pleased and honored to participate in the project offering a piece on how to better understand and leverage collaboration tools and technologies in the organization.

There is so much excellent insight and information in the E-book and I really encourage you to head over to RenegadeHR and download and share the E-book far and wide.

The contributors you will find in this excellent resource:

Do something amazing in 2010!

Great job Chris and everyone else who participated in the project!


Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (
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