I usually don't like these kind of 'Reader Question' type blog posts because the cynic in me secretly thinks that they really never cover an actual reader question, but the blogger just pitched it that way to have an excuse to write about a topic perhaps they would not normally cover, and they feel like somehow people will get the impression that the blogger gets all manner of back channel questions and comments from readers, which I also secretly think almost never happens.
Having said all that, and asking you to put your natural cynicism aside*, I want to submit to you, dear readers, what I swear is an actual reader question that I received this week, one that I think is pretty interesting, and one that I (and the reader who hoped I'd have something intelligent to offer), could use some help from the crowd to try and answer. Here is the question, in its entirety:
Hi Steve. A question came up with the Sr. HR leadership team for my company "Who are the new thought leaders in HR? Who is the new Dave Ulrich?", I thought - I bet Steve would know. I would thrilled to recieve any thoughts you might have. Thanks!
That's it, the Big $64,000 question for a Summer Friday. I did reply to the question, and offered up some thoughts, but after realizing that my views probably were not typical, (one of the names I submitted was Tim Sackett), I asked and received permission from the reader to post the question here, and see if we could crowdsource some additional responses or ideas.
So I put it to you my friends - Who are the new thought leaders in HR as you see it? Who is the new Dave Ulrich?
And I think the answer could still be Tim Sackett. Or maybe it still is Dave Ulrich.
I'd love to know your thoughts and many thanks to the actual reader who submitted an actual question, (I swear it really happened that way).
* I am quietly working on a new presentation with a working title of 'Everyone is Lying to You', so I am even more cynical than usual lately.