PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 169 - The Crowdsourced Performance Review
Thursday, August 15, 2013 at 9:01AM
Steve in Culture, HR, HR Happy Hour, Happy Hour, crowdsourcing, performance, performance management

HR Happy Hour 169 - 'The Crowdsourced Performance Review'

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, hosts Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane welcomed Eric Mosley, who co­founded Globoforce in 1999 with the goal of reinventing the employee recognition industry for the global, multicultural, multigenerational organizations of the 21st century.

As CEO he has led Globoforce to its place as a leading provider of social recognition solutions, redefining how companies understand, manage, and motivate employees. 

Eric is also the author of the recent book, The Crowdsourced Performance Review, a resource for HR and Business leaders that want to transform their traditional, annual, and ineffective performance management processes to a more enlightened, modern, social, and collaborative way of engaging the organization, and improving outcomes.

We talked with Eric about how the traditional process for performance management is outdated and almost universally hated, how modern technologies like social networking and mobile access are impacting modern employee needs and expectations, and how thinking about performance management as an ongoing, real-time, and in the moment process can help organizations make the leap from the 'old' way of managing performance to something much better.

We also (of course) reminded folks to make sure you make plans now to attend the upcoming HRevolution event taking place in Las Vegas on October 6, 2013, and the HR Technology Conference immediately after, on October 7-9, 2013.

You can listen to the show on the show page here, using the widget player below:

New Business Podcasts with Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane on BlogTalkRadio


Thanks to Eric for the time and the insight about performance management can and should change for the better - enabled by techology, and supported by the wisdom of peers, colleagues, and even customers and partners to create a better and more impactful process.

It was a really fun and interesting show and I hope you check it out.  

And, and you can register for HRevolution 2013 here: Eventbrite - HRevolution Vegas 2013


Article originally appeared on Steve's HR Technology (http://steveboese.squarespace.com/).
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