Really quick shot for the end of a busy week, where despite it being nearly May, it is still snowing as I write this.
Today's CHART OF THE DAY does not cover one of the normal themes I usually like to hit with these posts - employment, the labor force, the aging population, how terrible the Knicks have been, etc.
No, today's chart, courtesy of SMBC Comics, is meant to elicit a chuckle and perhaps make you think, even just a little, before you feel the urge to chime in on a topic, issue, person, or event that you really don't have all that much information about.
Here's the chart, the one last comment from me after that:
Knowing just about nothing about a subject generally doesn't get you into trouble. Neither does being incredibly well-versed. In the former case, we usually have enough sense to keep out of the conversation and debate. And in the latter case, even if we run into a disagreement, we can usually have facts, data, or even just plain old experience to back up our opinions.
But when we know just about enough to simultaneously not seem like a complete fool but not enough to avoid becoming that fool?
That my friends is 'Mount Stupid.'
And you don't ever want to be up there. Besides being unpleasant, it's way, way too crowded.
Have a great weekend!