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Entries from December 1, 2008 - December 31, 2008


Closing thoughts for 2008

Some quick thoughts for the last day of 2008:Flickr - Nal from Miami

1. HR Technology is only partly about the technology. It is usually more about the will and courage of the enterprise to embrace and handle change.

2. The most important technologies to HR in the future may not even need the 'Technology' department to be that involved. Check out this prediction for HR in 2018, courtesy of Workforce

In the "Structure of Work" category, experts collectively pointed to collaboration as a key in 2018. The top-ranked prediction was: "There will be an increased focus on infrastructures—such as social networks and wikis—to support building strong relationships and collaboration"

 3. The HR Technology space is fast-moving, interesting, and changing.  To me, that is what make its fun to practice, teach, and blog about.

What do I want to get out of 2009 personally?  I want to continue to learn from and if I can, assist the dozens of great HR and HR Technology folks that I have met this year. 

I want to continue to improve my HR Technology class to make it more relevant, meaningful, and fun.

I want my South Carolina Gamecocks to win the Outback Bowl on January 1, 2009.

I hope more great folks follow me on Twitter

Happy New Year!



An opportunity for HR in 2009

Ok, you are probably sick of reading blogs, analyst opinions, and watching Webinars that all keep saying the same thing: in 2009 there are opportunities for HR Technologists to make substantial impact deploying systems or platforms to improve collaboration, networking, and information sharing. 

Take a look at this quote from the Collaborative Thinking blog by Mike Gotta:

An opportunity for HR in 2009

Generational shifts: GenY and aging workforce trends create opportunities for HR groups to take on a much more strategic role. Employee, retiree and alumni social networks for instance have the potential to help organizations become more resilient and agile by allowing it to capitalize on its internal and extended relationships - often in ways not constrained by formal institutional structures

 How about this one from the Aberdeen Group's Kevin Martin:

While HR and IT can often butt heads regarding HR systems implementations, Aberdeen's research has uncovered that HR should collaborate with IT to advance Web 2.0 initiatives and achieve the above-referenced common organizational objective: organizational knowledge capture and transfer.

And if you come to the realization and conclusion that social networking and collaboration technologies are the right tools for your organization and want to champion their adoption and deployment but are faced with skeptical or less-informed management? How do you convince the 'old-guard' managers and influencers that social technologies are a valuable, soon to be essential tool, and not just a distraction from 'real work'? How about this answer from Knowledge Infusion:

 Don't try. Start at grassroots level with a ripe and receptive department or business unit. Once there is success and viral effect, the old school executives will take notice and support an enterprise approach.

You know, deep down you know, that jumping in to the Web 2.0 world is the right thing to do in 2009.  The start-up investment is extremely low, the learning curves are short, and there are loads of articles, blogs, case studies describing how numerous organizations have approached and have had success with these tools.

Don't wait for the jokers in IT to do this and grab all the glory a year from now!



HR Tech in 2009

Wow, what a crazy year.  Banking industry collapse, stock market plummets, US auto industry teeteringFlickr - ViaMoi on the brink, every day another round of corporate layoffs.  Lots of great people out on the job market, or soon to be, as I have not seen any prediction that 2009 will be any better than 2008. What does it all me for the world of HR and HR Technology specifically?

Since in the 'Big Book of Internet' I read that every blog must post an obligatory 'predictions' post for the New Year, I will go ahead and take a shot at some predictions in the HR Tech space for the coming year:

1. Large organizations will drastically reduce, or postpone major initiatives (massive ERP upgrades, major deployments of new global systems to support talent management).  I think that the projects that will continue will be smaller in scope and application.  Perhaps individual country or division pilot projects, ones that try to limit initial investment and overall risk.

2. Small and medium sized businesses that are healthy (there must be some right?), will be under pressure to improves their e-recruiting and applicant tracking systems.  When the large organizations are letting droves of workers go, the small and medium size businesses are going to be swamped with not only an increased volume of applications, but a real increase in talented, qualified applicants.  It may be that in 2009, selecting the right talent from a large talent pool will be one of the most important challenges facing the SMB segment.

3. More organizations will look to experiment with Web 2.0 technologies for internal collaboration, networking, and knowledge management. Many organizations have already stepped into this market, notable examples include Best Buy, Deloitte, and Pfizer, and many who have not will wade in in 2009.  Why now?  These technologies are typically easy to deploy (many pilot deployments will not either involve or require internal IT resources), cost significantly less than 'traditional' enterprise systems, and present a low-risk, high-reward potential for the HR leader.  Deployment of a company-wide platform for networking and collaboration could be one of the most impactful positive contributions and HR department can champion in 2009.

4. Not really an original thought, but iin 2009 I would expect more vendor consolidation.  Some vendors in the Talent and collaboration space will not survive, and the vetting process that HR must undertake before launching any new initiatives is of the utmost importance. The HR pro may also need to re-evaluate some of their current tech vendors just to be prepared for any suddent and potentially harmful disruptions in service.

5. I don't really have a number 5, but I will close with this: employees may be uneasy, concerned, and fearful about your company's and their own future.  Do whatever you can to be open, honest, and timely with your communication.  Technology can help in these endeavors, but it will never be the solution to the most basic rule, 'Do the right thing by your employees'.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting on this blog in 2008. 



Finding the right talent (that I already have)

How can I find the right employee (one I already have)?

Recently, I heard high ranking information technology leader complaining about the lack of completeness of Flickr - Tambako the Jaguaremployee information (correct office phone number, IM names, etc.) in the corporate LDAP directory.  This leader was relying on the technical system used to provision corporate network computing resources to be a data store for employee 'profile' related information.

Now an employee office phone number probably does belong in an LDAP system, I can't argue with that, but external IM user names?  Surely, the LDAP system is not the best place for these.  And how about elements of the profile that are not related to 'devices' (phones, computers, etc.).  Things like experience, skills, interests, connections, and career plans.  All these, and many other attributes, combine to paint the full picture of the employee talent profile.

It is no secret that companies are under extreme pressure to leverage their internal talent, when faced with enormous marketplace challenges, and for most, little to no ability or funding to seek external talent, either new hires or contractors. 

So let's take an example of a possible situation where an organization might need to rapidly leverage the 'rich' employee profile data it needs to capitalize on an opportunity. A logistics and distribution organization, in an effort to expand to a new line of business and capitalize on a market opportunity, enters into agreements to begin supplying services to a high-end retail chain, it had not previously served. The challenge - identify rapidly a project team with the necessary skills, competencies, experience, and contacts to support sourcing new product, developing new distribution strategies, and with an understanding of the higher end of the market than they usually support.

Employee Profile Data - Sources

Legacy HRIS systems - These are typically decent repositories for basic information about the employee profile that may help our company assemble their project team.  Things like position or assignment history, demonstration of growth in salary grade or level might assist the Project Leader in assembling a team. But key information would certainly not be present in a typical HRIS, thing like career aspirations, competencies, training plans, and experience prior to joining the company. Many of the larger ERP-based systems may have the capability to 'fold-in' this kind of talent profile data, but most implementations of ERP do not extend very deeply into these areas.

Talent Management Systems - all good Talent systems will contain aspects of the key data needed to build the project team: information on past performance, current skills and capabilities, and possibly information on training and development that the employees have taken. These are all key pieces of the puzzle. Recently some larger Talent Management vendors have developed more rich 'profile' capabilities, SuccessFactors being one. Usually missing from these types of systems, especially ones that very rigidly look to automate performance management processes, are indications of employee 'fit' or perhaps desire to be included in this type of project team.  The information gleaned from these systems can tend to the strictly analytical, and not give the Project Leader any 'soft' insight.   And finally, these systems are not in place today in many, many organizations.

Internal Social Networks - In the last couple of years the market for so-called 'Corporate Social Networking' has grown rapidly. The idea is to deploy a platform or solution that provides the employees sort of a 'Facebook' like experience, usually augmented with the knowledge management and creation features of blogs, wikis, rss, and forums.  These systems usually have a profile feature that allows the employee to supply much of the same data they would typically post on popular external social networks. They can also utilize the Twitter concept of 'following' other employees to keep aware of the contributions of content, comments, and other information for the key influencers in their internal network.  These systems provide the Project Leader with a wealth of information relevant to the building of the team, they can review specific work products and content created by employees, they can see feedback left by other employees, and the profile data can typically be mined for keywords or 'tags' that may indicate the right experience or inclination for participating on the new project.  Some vendors to consider in this space are SelectMinds, HiveLive, and Socialcast. This really is an emerging space, and relatively few organizations have deployed these internal networks.

External Social NetworksJason Averbook from Knowledge Infusion has stated 'LinkedIn knows more about your employees than you do'. The truth is, many (or most) of your employees are providing vast quantities of personal and professional information on external sites like LinkedIn and Facebook. Key information like employee authored statements of skills and aspirations, former employers and assignments, third-party recommendations of their work, and some insight into their networks both inside and outside the company that they may be able to leverage to make the new project a success. Did any of your employees formerly work for the high-end retailer you need to serve? This information is likely on LinkedIn.

Should your company simply encourage employees to register for these sites, provide their information, while you take advantage of the information and profile data for essentially almost no cost? Of course the downside could be your competitors for the same talent could mine the information as well, but honestly they probably are already doing just that.

That really just scratches the surface of the various options that organizations face when trying to develop a strategy for capturing, analyzing, and making actionable their strategic talent data. Most larger organizations may be utilizing some kind of combination of the above approaches, or may have even built custom systems to help locate talent and deploy talent (the big professional consultancies for one).

Lots of options, lots to think about, a complicated topic.

I would love your thoughts and comments.



An Introduction to Twitter for the HR student


My class hears me talk about Twitter every week.  'You need to be on Twitter', 'Guess who I met today on Twitter', 'I learned about this new software vendor from Twitter'.

I am quite sure they have grasped some kind of notion that Twitter is relevant, interesting, maybe important, but they can't seem to grasp how it actually can be a valuable resource to the study and practice of HR. They also have likely concluded that I am a little obsessed with it.

So how to frame the discussion of Twitter in terms that students (90% of whom will have never heard of Twitter before class).

First things first - what the heck is Twitter anyway?

From Wikipedia -

Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that allows its users to send and read other users' updates (otherwise known as tweets), which are text-based posts of up to 140 characters in length.

Updates are displayed on the user's profile page and delivered to other users who have signed up to receive them.

OK, so you sign up for Twitter, post some status updates (140 characters or less), and decide which other Twitter user's updates you would like to see. Easy enough concept to grasp.  Everyone has sent text messages on their phones, (Twitter updates are more or less the same), and most students are on Facebook, so the idea of setting a 'status' that all your friends will see is also easily understood.

So what happens to most students when they sign up?

Well honestly, not a heck of a lot. They create an account, maybe post a quick update, possibly 'find' the person who convinced them to sign up and start following them, and then they wait for something interesting to start happening. And as you would expect, pretty much nothing interesting starts happening. The student fairly quickly loses interest, stops checking Twitter and posting updates, and concludes that the whole exercise was a waste of time.  Besides, everyone they are interested in connecting with are already their Facebook friends anyway.

So what should the student do?

Twitter, like every other social site, can be a really lonely place when you first arrive. You have no 'friends' no 'followers' and may not know exactly how to find anyone, much less the right people to 'follow'.  Unlike Facebook, the student's close and extended circle of friends and classmates are probably not on Twitter as yet, so making those initial connections can be a daunting proposition.

The key or essential component of deriving value from Twitter almost completely relies on finding the 'right' people to start following.  Once the student starts to make these connections, and then proceeds to extend them by following some of their first connection's followers, the value proposition starts to become more apparent. In fact most folks on Twitter will 'reverse-follow' you out of politeness even if they don't know you.

And in short order a student, (or anyone else for that matter), usually starts to contribute to the ongoing conversation, begins attracting followers or their own, and discovers even more interesting people to follow. Some say after about a month or 100 updates (Tweets), the student starts to 'get it'.  It becomes obvious the value of these conversations and connections, and many become firmly entrenched in the fabric of their Twitter community.

A Starting Point

So we have established the key to deriving value from Twitter is the forging of the initial set of connections to the 'right' people and organizations in your particular area of interest.  I am primarily concerned for my HR students and other HR practitioners.  Who should the HR student or practitioner consider 'following' once they join Twitter, (I know there are some other lists around on this topic, so I won't attempt to make an 'all-knowing' or 'all-encompassing' list, but rather a good starting point for the HR student).

The Instructor

Steve Boese - Me, if you are one of my students, you'd better follow me!

The Bloggers

Lisa Rosendahl - from the HR Manager blog

The HR Maven - from the HR Maven blog

lruettimann - from Punk Rock HR

sharlyn_lauby - from HR Bartender

hrwench - from the Hr Wench blog

Hr_Minion - from the HR Minion blog

jwilliamtincup - from the Human Capital Vendor space blog

kris_dunn - from the HR Capitalist blog

pdxmikek - from the Info Box blog

penelopetrunk - from Brazen Careerist

The Consultants

jasonaverbook - Jason Averbook, CEO of Knowledge Infusion

jcorsello - Jason Corsello, also from Knowledge Infusion and the Human Capitalist Blog

joningham - Jon Ingham of the Strategic HCM blog

The Vendors

Success Factors - Performance Management solutions

Salary.com - Compensation data and planning, recently expansding into Talent Management

Smart Recruiters - Recruiting solutions for small and medium size businesses

Human Capital Institute - great source of information and knowledge

Workscape - suite of Talent Management solutions

Sum Total Systems - learning management solutions

Standout Jobs - Really cool and innovative approach to recruiting solutions

Twitter Rockstars - these Twitterers have huge followings and post constantly

jowyang - Jeremiah Owyang from Forrester Research

chrisbrogan - Chris Brogan, Social Media Marketing thought leader

ross- Ross Mayfield, Chairman and co-founder of Socialtext

barackobama - I am pretty sure you know who he is

ev - Evan Williams, CEO of Twitter

For fun

SantaClaus25 - keep up with the big man's preparation for the big day

FakeMagnumPI - happenings with Magnum, Higgins and TC

Steven Colbert - from Comedy Central

NASA - goings on in space


The above list of Twitterers is not meant to be exhaustive, complete, or even exactly what the HR student is looking for.  But it is a start.  Sign up for Twitter and start following some of the folks on this list and see what you think.  Give it a chance.  It's said that it takes a while to determine how you can best leverage Twitter for your own purposes.  I can say unequivocally that Twitter helps me every single day, and sometimes, I hope I actually help some of my Twitter friends.

Please add any names of 'key' folks to follow to the comments, and happy Twittering!