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Entries from February 1, 2019 - February 28, 2019


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 360 - Creating a More Inclusive Workplace

HR Happy Hour 360 - Creating a More Inclusive Workplace

Hosts: Trish McFarlaneSteve Boese

Guest: Dr. Laura Hamill, Chief People Officer and Chief Science Officer, Limeade

Listen HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish were joined by Dr. Laura Hamill of Limeade to talk about inclusion in the workplace, how it is different from diversity, and how organizations can become more inclusive.On the show, Laura shared her definition of inclusion, how it differs from diversity, even though the two ideas are almost always paired, and how inclusion needs to be something that organizations keep top of mind. 

Laura also shared some of the findings from research from the Limeade Institute on how it is the behavior of peers that matters in the workplace when it comes to worker's feelings of inclusion and this is where many organizations fall short. We also touched upon the difference between being truly inclusive and just being 'nice' in the workplace. Finally, Laura shared some ideas on how inclusion needs to fit into a holistic wellbeing program encompassiing things like wellness, engagement and innovation. 

We also talked about winter weather, dog names, and whether or not 'Friends' was really a New York show.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

This was a really interesting and fun conversation - thanks so much Laura for joining us.

Learn more about Limeade Inclusion at www.limeade.com/inclusion/

Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 359 - The HR Happy Hour 2019 Oscars Preview and Predictions Show

HR Happy Hour 359 - The HR Happy Hour 2019 Oscars Preview and Predictions Show

Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

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This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish return with their Annual Academy Awards Preview and Predictions Show, a tradition on the HR Happy Hour from at least 1983. Steve and Trish break down all the important Oscar categories - Best Picture, Best Director, Best Leading and Supporting Actor and Actress, Best Screenplayand share some commentary, opinions, and predictions on who will walk away with the statues on Sunday night.

In addition to sharing who we think will walk away as winners, and who deserves to be recognized, we also shared the movies we kind of checked out on, as well as the ones that were better than we expected.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

This was a tremendously fun show, as it is every year, and thanks to our loyal HR Happy Hour listeners for hanging out with us as we talk about something other than HR for a change.

Tweet us your picks for Oscar 2019 - hit us up @HRHappyHour with the hashtag #HRHappyHour.

Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour wherever you get your podcasts - just search for 'HR Happy Hour'.


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 358 - HR Technology for Diversity & Inclusion

HR Happy Hour 358 - HR Technology for Diversity & Inclusion

Host: Steve Boese

Guests: Stacia Sherman Garr, RedThread Research; Carole Jackson, Mercer

Listen HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve was joined by Stacia Sherman Garr of RedThread Research and Carole Jackson of Mercer to share their insights on the HR technology market and ecosystem for solutions and capabilities that support organizational Diversity & Inclusion initiatives.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

Their recent report, Diversity & Inclusion Technology: The Rise of a Transformative Market is the first deep dive into how HR technology solutions are developing and evolving to help support programs linked to making organizations more diverse and inclusive. From talent acquisition, to development and learning, to employee engagement and retention, and to reporting and analytics - D&I programs are increasingly reaching more HR and talent processes, and a wide-ranging set of HR technologies is emerging to help HR leaders meet their objectives.

Stacia and Carole shared key findings from their research, talked about the HR tech landscape for D&I tech, and offered advice for HR and business leaders who are thinking about these solutions for the first time.

This was a really interesting show - thanks to Stacia and Carole for joining us.

Here's the HR Happy Hour Show with GoodHire that Steve mentioned on the show.

Download Diversity & Inclusion Technology: The Rise of a Transformative Market here.

Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.


CHART OF THE DAY: Another all-time record number of open jobs in the US

The most essential state of the labor market report, the JOLTS report, was issued a few days ago by our pals over at the Bureau of Labor Statistics. I won't bury the lead, the chart below shows most all of what you need to know from the Dec 2018 JOLTS data - namely, there were over 7.3 million open jobs in the US, an all-time high, at the end of December 2018.

For those keeping score at home, the number of open jobs cratered in July 2009 at about 2.2 million and for just about a decade has steadily climbed to the 7.3 million number the BLS has just reported.

And one more data point from the JOLTS, for the last nine months or so, there have been more open jobs in the US than officially unemployed persons to fill them. Said differently, even if we could magically place every current unemployed person in one of the open jobs, there would still be hundreds of thousands of jobs unfilled.

There is good (lots of open jobs means lots of opportunity and optimistic companies looking to grow), and bad (why can't we get better at hiring, training, and expanding opportunity) in this kind of number. All things being equal, the state of the labor market in Dec 2018 is much, much more preferable to the nightmare of July 2009. But here's the funny thing - it might seem like a lifetime ago, but it really wasn't. 

That's it from me - have a great weekend!


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 357 - Employee Financial Wellness and How Employers Can Help

HR Happy Hour 357 - Employee Financial Wellness and How Employers Can Help

Host: Steve Boese

Guest: Jamie Kalamarides, President, Prudential Group Insurance

Listen HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve was joined by Jamie Kalamarides, President of Prudential Group Insurance to discuss the increasingly important topic of employee financial wellness, and what employers can do to help their employees with these challenges.

On the show, Jamie shared the most common life events that can lead to employee financial stress or financial insecurity, offered recommendations and tips for employees to reduce financial stress, and talked about some programs and opportunities that employers can offer their employees to help and support them. 

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

The recent US government shutdown brought the issue of financial insecurity to the forefront, and was an important reminder that a large percentge of the workforce is only one or two missed paychecks or an unforeseen financial emergency away from severe challenges in their lives - which has a follow-on impact at work.

Thanks to Jamie for coming on the show to share his insights. Learn more about Prudential's programs at https://www.prudential.com/employers/financial-wellness.

Find the Prosperity Now scorecard at https://prosperitynow.org/


1. Employer matches are not permitted for “after-tax” 401(k) contributions, only for pre-tax and Roth contributions.

2. 401(k) contribution limits for 2019 have increased to $19,000 for before-tax and Roth contributions. Contribution limits across pre-tax, after-tax and Roth increased to $56,000 in 2019.

Subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.