Today we launched the RIT Human Resource Development Faculty wiki (internally we are using the term Community of Practice). Access the wiki at (by invitation only, if you are an RIT HRD faculty member send me an e-mail if you did get not your invite). We envision the wiki as a resource and tool for faculty to share best practices, learn from each other, and get to know each other a little better as well.
This project was started by I comment I made back in the spring to Professor Donna Dickson, after receiving one of her 'Dear Faculty, here is some information you may find useful' e-mails. My comment was simply, 'I wonder if a wiki would be a better way to communicate that type of information', as well as provide a collaborative, dynamic, knowledge platform, you know all the classic benefits of wiki.
Once I set up a brief demo using the awesome PbWiki product she jumped right in and supported the project. Over the summer we met several times to discuss the goals for the wiki, the basic structure, and some ways to give us the best chance for adoption and success.
Here is the what the home page looks like - really clean, simple, and easy to navigate, hallmarks of PbWiki (click the image to see it in full size).

I am a huge proponent of wiki technology, both in the classroom and out as an enabler or platform for enhanced collaboration, knowledge sharing, and improved productivity. I could post on and on about wiki, but for this post, I am content to acknowledge the HRD wiki launch and also say thanks to Professor Dickson for her support and enthusiasm.
And also thanks to PbWiki which I recommend highly.
The wiki will only be as good as the contributors, and I am confident that our group is just the type to embrace the Community of Practice.