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    Entries in HRevolution (38)


    Owning Disruption at #HRevolution

    Submitting this dispatch, (yet again) from the Delta Sky Club on my way home from the wonderful HRevolution event held over the weekend in Grapevine, Texas. (Note: See below embedded the song that has been burning my psyche ever since I knew we were holding the event in a place called Grapevine).

    One of the highlights of the event for me was a session, really a classic and engaging HRevolution-style discussion, on Disrupting HR that was facilitated by Frank Zupan and Tammy Colson, long-time HRevolution 'family' members'. It was a great discussion that at times traveled to the notion of 'disruption' itself, whether or not it even makes sense to talk about disruption in an HR context, and what might be some examples of people or organizations that have actually 'Disrupted' HR.

    In the discussion, I felt compelled to actually participate quite a bit more than I usually do in HRevolution sessions, (normally I am running around herding attendees, making sure the coffee pots are full), and I think it was primarily due to how or what I think is driving just about all of the disruption in organizations today - technology.

    For the first 150-odd years of workplace (HR and otherwise) technology, the 'disruptions' that were caused for workers and workplaces were introduced and driven by company owners who were looking to improve efficiency and profitability, and later (much later), by corporate IT departments who became tasked with finding, evaluating, and introducing new technology into the workplace.

    Over time, HR departments, (and also sales and procurement and facilities and sales, and just about all other back office functions) never really 'owned' the technologies that they used to do their jobs. These were provided by company ownership, stewdarded by IT, and simply became the de-facto foundation for performing back office and administrative tasks. 

    But today, (and what has been building really for the last half-dozen years or so), both back-office functions like HR and marketing have claimed much more significant influence and control over the kinds of technologies that they use in the workplace, and that can in turn, significantly impact, drive, and enable this notion of 'disruption'. This is driven by the cloud, SaaS, mobile, declining cost of computing, and the amazingly powerful smart phones just about every employee carries.

    It doesn't really matter if you care for the term 'disruption' or not, there is not any doubt that for all except the most backward looking companies that new workplace technologies have changed the very nature of work. I suppose the question then becomes, with all this new(ish) ability to set the technology, (and consequently) the disruption agenda, is what will HR do with it?

    In the past two decades the most disruptive new technology introduced to workplaces has to be Email.

    And email was, is , and probably always will be 'owned' by a corporate IT department. HR's involvement with Email as a disruptive technology was/is merely to set and occasionally enforce standards for conduct, content, etc. 

    Just what will be the next workplace technology that proves to be as disruptive as email remains to be seen.

    A better question for HR leaders, and folks that want to become one such, is whether or not HR will be the driving force behind whatever this/these technologies end up being, or whether they, like in the Email example, end up being simply passengers (and sometime police) who are along for the ride.

    Workplace 'disruption' will be owned by who is driving the technology agenda. It might be IT, it might be leadership, it might even be rank and file employees.

    But if you're in HR and you want a say in the future of your organization, (and your career), you want to be a part of that conversation. You probably want to lead that conversation, actually.

    Thanks to all the HRevolution attendees, speakers, sponsors, fellow organizers, and friends for a fantastic event! 

    Oh yeah - here is the song I wanted to share, 'Grapevine Fires' by Death Cab for Cutie (email and RSS subscribers will have to click through to see the video).


    Notes from the Road #13 - #HRevolution Edition

    Filing yet another dispatch for the ever-popular, often imitated, and usually exceeded 'Notes from the Road' series from the Delta Sky Club, this time in lovely LaGuardia Airport.

    I am heading this fine morning to Dallas, or more specifically, Grapevine, Texas for the the 6th (or possibly 7th, I have lost count), HRevolution 'Un'Conference and HR family reunion of sorts.

    This time the HRevolution event, which began when a small group of HR professionals (Trish McFarlane, Ben Eubanks, yours truly, and later joined by the mighty Matt Stollak), combined forces to form a different kind of HR conference, returns to its original roots. The event is one that has always emphasized new and challenging topics, personal and professional networking, and one that was not 'owned' or overly dependant on external organizations, associations, or sponsors.

    I have written tons of posts about HRevolution over the years, it doesn't really make too much sense for me to once again run down the list of all the reasons why I am proud and honored to be a part of the HRevolution organizing team and community. The event, in many ways, is the high point of the professional year for me.

    Many, many thanks must go out to this year's HRevolution sponsors - Symbolist, (who have been gracious enough to open their doors, literally, for us), Mercer, and Small Improvements.

    It is going to be a fantastic event this weekend in Grapevine - hope to see many of you there!

    Have a great weekend!


    PODCAST - #HRHappyHour 194 - Small Improvements

    HR Happy Hour 194 - Small Improvements

    Recorded Wednesday October 29, 2014

    Hosts: Trish McFarlaneSteve Boese

    Guest: Linda Jonas

    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish were joined by Linda Jonas, International traveler, and Director of Marketing for Small Improvements, an HR technology provider of tools that provide a simpler, easy to use, and more engaging approach to performance management, workplace feedback, 360-degree reviews, and more.

    We talked about Linda's annual 6-week world tour where she meets with customers and partners, her Small Improvements colleagues, and attends events like the HR Technology Conference and the upcoming HRevolution (of which Small Improvements is a sponsor). 

    Additionally, Linda shared some insights into emerging and ongoing trends in employee performance management, and the need for both software providers and organizations to keep these processes clear, easy to adopt, and valuable for employees, managers and organizations overall. Everyone seems to hate on Performance Management and one of the reasons is that the process has often been overengineered and over-complicated. Check out Small Improvements to get some insights into how you can change that in your organization, while improving (pardon the pun) both the process and the desired outcomes.

    You can listen to the show on the show page here, or using the widget player below. And you can find and subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show on iTunes or on your favorite podcast playing app. Just search for 'HR Happy Hour'. 

    Check Out Business Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with Steve Boese Trish McFarlane on BlogTalkRadio



    This was a really fun show - thanks to Linda and to everyone at Small Improvements!


    LIVE Tonight - #HRHappyHour recaps HRevolution and HR Tech

    HR Happy Hour 172 - HRevolution and HR Tech 2013 Recap

    LIVE - Thursday October 17, 2013 - 8:00PM EDT

    Call in on 646-378-1086

    Follow and join the backchannel conversation on Twitter - use the hashtag #HRHappyHour

    This week the HR Happy Hour is back with a special LIVE show with a recap and review of all the happenings at the recent HRevolution and HR Technology Conferences.

    Join hosts Trish McFarlane and Steve Boese for a look back at both events - the sessions, the parties, the exhibits and all the fun from what was a memorable HR week in Las Vegas.

    You can listen live tonight at 8:00PM EDT on the show page here, or using the widget player below:


    If you were in attendance at either HRevolution or HR Tech, then you are invited to call in to talk with Steve and Trish and to share your thoughts and observations from the events.

    Who made you think?

    Who made you laugh?

    What was the most amazing HR Technology that you checked out?

    We will hit all the highlights and also have a few laughs as well.

    You won't want to miss this one, as the HR Happy Hour returns with a LIVE show, Thursday, October 17, 2013 at 8PM EDT.


    HRevolution and HR Tech Conference Updates - and your chance to save

    Please allow your correspondent a bit of (not totally) self-interested promotion today, as I wanted to take the opportunity to make sure that readers of the blog have the latest, and most up-to-date information about two upcoming events that I have a hand in planning, and that will be happening in a little over two weeks time.

    First up, is HRevolution 2013, a one-day event for HR, recruiting, and truly every kind of business professional and will take place on Sunday, October 6th at the Mandalay Bay Resort in Las Vegas.

    HRevolution was created a few years ago by a small group of dedicated HR pros that saw the need for a different kind of HR and Talent-themed conference – one that was less formal, more participatory, more about challenging conventional ways of thinking, was built around its attendees, and lastly was vastly more affordable than the typical professional event.

    Over the years, HRevolution has held events in Chicago, Atlanta, Louisville, and this year for the second time in Las Vegas, but one element of HRevolution remains the same despite the years and changes in location – that the event is centered around providing a small but passionate group of the most forward-thinking HR and talent pros an event that is truly their own, and one that helps build and strengthen the community of HRevolutionaries. We will talk technology, employer brand, Generations in the workplace, keys for identifying top talent – and much, much more. And you will not want to miss the 2nd annual ‘HR Improv’ presentation contest – trust me on that!

    And I would be remiss if I did not thank the great folks at SumTotal Systems, the exclusive sponsors of HRevolution Las Vegas. Without their generous support, the event simply would not be possible.

    This year we have another great lineup of sessions and speakers – you can see the full agenda here, and in true HRevolution fashion there will also be plenty of time and space to create and lead your own discussions as well. Tickets for the HRevolution Las Vegas are still available here, and if you register for the event not only are you making a great decision for your own professional and personal development, you will also receive a $600 promo code for the next event I’d like to mention in this post.

    Of course I am talking about the HR Technology Conference and Expo that will be also held at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas from October 7-9, 2013. HR Tech is simply the biggest, best event of its kind that focuses on the business benefits organizations can realize from HR technology, while also showcasing over 300 technology and service providers in our world-famous expo hall. HR Tech has become one of the industry’s must-attend events for good reason – all the providers, all the top organizations, all the leading analysts, and scores of industry influencers will be in attendance.

    While many of the widely available HR Tech Conference discounts are set to expire at midnight EDT on September 23rd, your registration for HRevolution will provide you an exclusive HR Tech registration discount that is the best one still available, and will not expire. So if you’ve been waiting or debating or procrastinating about making the decision to attend HR Tech this year – don’t wait any longer – and sign up for HRevolution first, then use your HRevolution code to register for HR Tech. Attend two amazing events, save big money, and make the best investment you can for yourself and for your organization.

    You can see the full HR Tech agenda here, and once you have the HRevolution discount code, and then proceed here to register for Tech.  If you do, please be sure to find me at the event and say hello.

    Thanks as always for all the support of both these great events!