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    Entries in FOT (31)


    WEBINAR: What does Game of Thrones have to do with performance coaching?

    So what does the popular TV series Game of Thrones have to do with performance coaching and building great teams at work?

    I have no idea, really.

    I must admit to have never seen even a minute of Game of Thrones. But it seems popular with you kids, and even more popular with your pals over at Fistful of Talent - so much so that they have latched on to the idea of tying the show into some lessons for the workplace in the next installment of the FOT free webinar series.

    Here are the details:

    “Winter is Coming.” “You Win or You Die.” “You Know Nothing, Jon Snow.”

    If you’re a Game of Thrones fan, you know these quotes as parts of iconic conversations from your favorite series. If you’re not a fan of the series (TV or book), you still likely recognize these quotes as fodder from a series that’s made a friend a bit too obsessive.

    The team at Fistful of Talent? We view these quotes as coaching conversations. That’s why we’ve built our next webinar around Game of Thrones.

    Join us on May 19th at 2pm Eastern for “RAISING DRAGONS: What Game of Thrones Teaches Us About Performance Coaching and Building Teams, and we’ll use Castle Black and King’s Landing to explore best practices in performance coaching by giving you the following goodies:

    1. A quick rundown of the history of Game of Thrones from a leadership perspective. Have a favorite character who’s dead? Whether it’s Ned Stark or Khal Drago, we’ll go rapid fire and tell you what they did well from a coaching perspective, then tell you what dysfunction caused them to be… well… cancelled.

    2. We’ll feature the 5 most notorious leaders currently alive on the show and break down their coaching style—where they’re strong and where they struggle—with the help of the performance management experts at Halogen Software. Odds are you’ll find a mother of dragons, a short fellow and dire wolf owner in this breakdown.

    3. We’ll breakdown the five most common coaching conversations in corporate America today and tell you which Game of Thrones leader your managers should emulate to nail the conversation—so they can maximize their team member’s performance.

    4. We’ll wrap up the webinar by telling you what the coaching styles of the 5 characters featured means for their future—and the future of the teams they lead.

    You’ve signed up for enough boring webinars, right? Break the pattern and register for our Game of Thrones, webinar, and we’ll deliver the performance management/coaching science with a layer of pop culture you’ve grown to expect from Fistful of Talent.



    WEBINAR: WALKING DEAD - Reviving your talent networks

    It's possible that 'Peak Zombie' was reached a couple of years ago, say around 2009 or so. For awhile you couldn't swing a machete on premium cable without hitting one of the myriad zombie shows/movies/music videos that featured the hordes of the undead wandering more or less aimlessly through the countryside.

    For what it's worth, my favorite of the genre was 'Shaun of the Dead' with Simon Pegg. Check that on Netflix if you haven't caught it yet. 

    The 'Zombie' trend has died down a bit in the last few years, but there is still one place where a kind of zombie can be pretty reliably found - lurking around your company career site.

    Candidates around your careers site are like Zombies too - they stumble around and look at your content, lurk at your jobs and then just stagger off into the distance when they don’t find anything to take a bite out of. Well, the fine folks at Fistful of Talent and Smashfly are here to help you turn those zombies into real-life candidates by reviving the talent networks you probably don’t even know you have.https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3528340882429541122

    Who said zombies can’t turn back to real live viable candidates?! Not us, because the FOT crew knows how, and we’re going to show you, too.

    On February 24th at 2:00PM ET, the FOT crew and Smashfly will present the latest installment of the FOT free webinar series, titled WALKING DEAD: Reviving Your Talent Networks, where the gang will:

    --Show you the difference between a Talent Network and a Talent Community. We’ll give you ways to build your talent network into active pools of great candidates. By using and developing talent networks, you’re letting those zombies hanging out around your career site tell you “I’m next…” “Pick me…”, making it super easy to identify your next victim!

    --Help you develop a Talent Network Strategy that lasts, with little effort from your team to keep it going. The biggest problem we all face is we just don’t have enough capacity to do more. Talent networks give you the more— without the work. We’ll show you how.

    --Show you 5 ways the best companies are engaging their Talent Networks to make real placements.We won’t just tell you the ways, we’re going to hear about straight from a Talent Pro who is using these now to successfully hire and fill position within her company.  The good, the bad, the dead. You’re going to hear it all!

    --Give you 3 things you can do with candidate contact information before they even apply to your company. Talent pools aren’t about the apply, they’re about getting you to apply. Some zombies are ready to eat, some are just milling around being zombies. What do you do when potential candidates aren’t ready to eat? We’ve got the answer.

    --Provide insight to how you can measure the success of your talent networks. By now we know none of this matters if we can’t back it up with measurable data that proves it works. Talent networks, and the data you get from them, will give you a ton of insight to what is working in your Talent shop and what might need some tweaking.

    Don’t let your time get “eaten” up by a bunch of zombie candidates who will never fill the needs your company has. Learn how to build great talent networks that will give you real live placements, with less effort than you ever thought imaginable. It’s time to fight back and win against your walking dead applicant pool!

    You can register for the free webinar on February 24 at 2:00PM ET here, or using the form below:

    And as always, the FOT webinar comes with a guarantee: 60% of the time it works 100% of the time.


    WEBINAR: Top 10 Ways To Use Glassdoor For Good (Not Evil)

    Some time back I wrote that I thought Glassdoor was one of the most interesting companies in the HR and HR Tech space. I believed that back then, and I think it is probably even more true today. 

    Ask yourself (and be honest) - If you were considering joining a new company is there any possible way you wouldn't check out their Glassdoor ratings, reviews, and interviewing tendencies?

    Of course you would - you would be a fool not to. And that same logic is being applied by I bet 95% of the candidates you are trying to pluck from your competitors too. Like it or not, (and plenty of CEOs probably don't), Glassdoor and other employer reputation sources are now too big, too influential, and too much of a 'given' as a source for candidate research for you as and HR/Recruting pro to not be engaged with them on behalf of your organization.

    But how to get in the Glassdoor game if you are a little late to the party? First step - close that MySpace account. And next? 

    Sign up for the latest installment of the FREE Fistful of Talent webinar on September 17 at 2PM EDT titled Top 10 Ways To Use Glassdoor For Good (Not Evil), where the FOT crew will hat’s why we’re going deep on reputation sites like Glassdoor.

    Topics to be covered on the Webinar include: 

    How the the Yelp-ification of America—the trend towards consumer-based reviews in almost every area of our economy—is changing the way employees and candidates think about job search and employer brands. It’s second nature for your employees to rate a restaurant, a book or a movie online. That means that employees of all types (not just the ones who want to complain) are more willing than ever to participate in your brand through user review

    The 5 Biggest Myths about company reputation sites like Glassdoor and tell you which ones are completely BS and which ones you actually perpetuate by not fully engaging on sites like Glassdoor. We’ll hit the usual suspects here: “The only comments are from the bad employees”  and “The salary data out there isn’t factual,” and tell you why things have changed. More importantly, we’ll cover how you actually may make the myths a reality by not fully engaging on reputation sites.  Think about that last sentence: You’ve got to be in the game to influence the game

    A 10-step playbook on how to engage on reputation sites and become more of a Marketer as an HR/Recruiting Pro.  It’s true—you wouldn’t have read this far if you didn’t want to learn more about how to use reputation sites like Glassdoor to maximize your company and your career. We’ll help you get started.

    The FOT crew always delivers the goods, I highly recommend you get your push to the end of 2015 going strong and check out the Top 10 Ways To Use Glassdoor For Good (Not Evil), on September 17 at 2PM EDT.


    WEBINAR: 5 Ways To Build a Recruiting Function Your CEO Will Love

    Summer is a great time to kick back, take it a little bit easier around the office, and spend at least half your time plotting how you are going to (plausibly), skip out of work on the next 12 Friday afternoons in order to get a head start on some sweet beach action.

    Or, it is a great time to take advantage of the slower pace to really dig deep into some important or problematic part of your business and take the time to study, design, and implement some improvements so that when the C-suite gets back engaged around Labor Day the one thing they will notice will be how you 'fixed' things over the summer.

    So maybe your dilemma is in Recruiting. Maybe you are having a hard time finding and attacting the right candidates, and even when you do, the team isn't strong enough on the close to cement the deal.

    Well, never fear, the gang at Fistful of Talent is here to help you get a reset via our roadmap for building a high performing Talent Acquisition/Recruiting function. Join FOT's Kris Dunn and RJ Morris for our FREE June webinar (sponsored by the recruiting experts at CareerBuilder) on June 24th at 2pm Eastern (1pm Central) entitled, Moving Past Smile and Dial: 5 Ways to Build a Recruiting Function Your CEO Will Love, and they will hit you with the following roadmap to help you build the perfect recruiting machine.

    1. The Front End: There's never been more competition for the attention of candidates, so you've got to look GOOD.  We'll help you understand the value of front-end items like a robust Careers Site, Talent Networks, Job Descriptions that don't put people to sleep, and ATS messaging designed to make people smile---not cringe.  We'll also give you a roadmap for how to use Social Media in a way that makes candidates feel like your company gets it.

    2. The Back End: The worst enemy of any recruiting function is disorganization, so we'll cover critical elements of your back office like ATS functionality, the mission critical nature of having your own searchable candidate database as a strategic advantage, automated job distribution/postings and more.  Your recruiting function is only as good as your back end, so we'll help you understand how to build it out.

    3. Building Your Recruiting Strategy: How many recruiters do you need?  How do you calculate your investment in recruiting?  What should that investment be?  How do you measure the effectiveness of your Recruitment Marketing Spend?   Good questions. We've got the answers in this strategy section.

    4. Creating a Coaching Culture in Recruiting and Measuring Your Success: You can do all of the things listed above well, but if you don't actively coach your recruiters, it probably won't matter.  We'll give you some benchmarks for recruiter performance goals and walk you through how successful recruiting managers treat recruiters like salespeople – ultimately wanting filled positions but coaching up and down the recruiting funnel/

    Whether you're a Recruiting/HR Leader looking to remodel your recruiting function or an up and coming recruiter looking to understand the strategic side of the recruiting business, join FOT for Moving Past Smile and Dial: 5 Ways to Build a Recruiting Function Your CEO Will Love on June 24th at 2pm Eastern (1pm Central) to get ramped up.  As a bonus, we'll also provide a FOT Checklist – 10 Things To Do Today to Maximize Your Ability to Attract Great Talent – to all who register.  This checklist is a great tool to cross off what you've already done well, then use it as an avenue to show what you're missing when asking for more budget for your recruiting function.

    Custom Form:



    WEBINAR: HR Analytics for Everyday HR and Talent Pros

    So by now someone in your organization, maybe even you, is going on and on about data and Big Data and analytics and maybe even predictive analytics being the future of HR and talent management. Seven out of ten surveys say as much, so it must be true, right? A quick Google search of "HR analytics' turns up just north of 14 million results. So it seems like everyone in HR has or will be talking about how important analytics are to the functions.

    But in the words of the immortal Al Czervik in Caddyshack, 'So what?' 

    What does the HR analytics revolution mean for you, the average, working, front-line HR/Talent pro?

    Well glad you, or really I asked. Because my friends over at Fistful of Talent are there to help answer this and many more questions on HR Analytics with the next installment of the FREE FOT Webinar entitled The New HR Math: Dumbing Down HR Analytics for Everyday HR and Talent Pros, (sponsored by HireVue, a company that gets predictive analytics at a whole other level) on May 27, 2015 at 2PM ET.

    The smarty-pants geek kids over at FOT will hit you up with the following:

     - 5 HR and Talent Analytics you should stop measuring immediately! You know what looks really bad to your leadership? When HR is using the old math, and everyone else is using the new math!

     - 5 HR and Talent Analytics you should start measuring immediately! Don’t be that parent fighting the good fight, ostracizing your kid from society by not allowing them to use the new math skills! We have the new cool measures you really need to be using in HR and recruiting today

     - 3 Best Practices every HR and Talent Acquisition shop can do right now with their analytics. You now know what the numbers are, but what the heck are you supposed to do with them? Fear not, Tim and Kris watched every YouTube video possible on the new math, they can show you the way!

     - A primer on what’s next once you start using these Predictive Analytics. Since you specialize in people, you naturally understand the move to using analytics that helps you predict the future is only half the battle—you have to have a plan once the predictions are made. We’ll help you understand the natural applications for using your predicitive analytical data as both a hammer and a hug—to get people who need to change moving, and to embrace those that truly want your help as a partner. 

    You’re a quality HR pro who knows how to get things done. Join FOT on May 27th at 2pm ET for The New HR Math: Dumbing Down HR Analytics for Everyday HR and Talent Pros,  and we’ll help you understand how to deploy the "new-math" principles in HR that allow you to use predictive analytics to position yourself as the expert you are.