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    « Episode 10 - The Happy Recap | Main | HR Happy Hour on iTunes »

    Episode 10 - The Job Seeker's Show

    The show is back to our 'regular' time slot this Friday night, September 18, 2009 at 8PM EDT.

    Episode 10 - The Job Seeker's Show

    Shauna Moerke, the HR Minion, and I will welcome a fantastic panel of guests from the Recruiting and HR world to share insights, give advice, and highlight available resources for the job seeker. We will talk about strategy, use of social media, resumes,  and anything else on your mind.

    The call in number is 646-378-1086.

    Scheduled to appear this week:

    Jennifer McClure - Twitter -CincyRecruiter, and blog Cincy Recruiter's World

    Paul DeBettignies - Twitter - MNHeadhunter - and blog MNHeadhunter

    Robin Eads - Twitter - imjustagoyle - and blog imjustagoyle

    Deirdre Honner - Twitter - thehrmaven - and blog HR Maven

    (does everyone on this show have a superhero alias?)

    I hope you can tune in and pass along the show information to anyone you know on the job market that could use some great advice.

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