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Entries from July 1, 2019 - July 31, 2019


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 384 - The Critical Role of Managers in Employee Engagement

HR Happy Hour 384 - The Critical Role of Managers in Employee Engagement

Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

Guest: Jim Harter, Chief Workplace Scientist, Gallup

Sponsored by Culture Amp, the platform that turns your company culture into a competitive advantage. Your employee data tells you what's happened in the past, but what if it could tell you what might happen next. See how with your free Predictive Analytics report at www.cultureamp.com/happy

Listen HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, Steve and Trish were joined by Jim Harter to talk about Gallup's most recent research, it's largest workplace study to date, and how the job of management has probably never been more complex. Jim is the co-author of 'It's the Manager', a look at how the role of manager has changed, how it remains critically important for employee engagement and organizational success. Jim shared several interesting findings from the research and the book, which all managers and leaders should understand as their workplaces evolve.

Additionally, Trish shared her excitement with the recent St. Louis Blues Stanley Cup victory, Steve admitted he has not watched a hockey game in years, and we discussed whether or not it is ethical to A/B test management theories on your kids.

Listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

This was a really interesting and fun conversation, thanks to Jim for joining us.

Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 383 - Improving Health and Wellbeing at Work and in the Community

HR Happy Hour 383 - Improving Health and Wellbeing at Work and in the Community

Hosts: Steve Boese

Guest: Tim State, Senior Vice President of Associate Health and Wellbeing, Humana

Sponsored by Culture Amp, the platform that turns your company culture into a competitive advantage. Your employee data tells you what's happened in the past, but what if it could tell you what might happen next. See how with your free Predictive Analytics report at www.cultureamp.com/happy

Listen HERE

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show, we were joined by Tim State of Humana, to talk about workplace health and employee wellbeing, and how Humana approaches wellbeing both inside their organization, and with the member organizations and employees they serve. Humana's 42K employees are focused on people, their wellbeing, and provides products and services to millions of people in the US and strives to help people reach their best health and life long wellbeing.

On the show Tim shared some of the innovative approaches they utilize with their associates - seeing wellbeing as a personal and individual journey to help each associate reach their wellbeing goals.At Humana they have developed a common language and mindset to holistic wellbeing, which has helped people understand their own journey. Their four dimensions of wellbeing - purpose, health, belonging, and security - which is the foundation of overall wellbeing have helped the organization define, program, measure, and improve wellbeing at work. Learn more about Humana here.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts, just search for 'HR Happy Hour'.


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 382 - Workplace Learning in 2019

HR Happy Hour 382 - Workplace Learning in 2019

Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

Guest: Tanya Staples, Vice President of Learning Content, LinkedIn Learning

Listen HERE

Sponsored by Culture Amp, the platform that turns your company culture into a competitive advantage. Your employee data tells you what's happened in the past, but what if it could tell you what might happen next. See how with your free Predictive Analytics report at www.cultureamp.com/happy.

This week on the HR Happy Hour Show Trish and Steve were joined by Tanya Staples, Vice President of Learning Content, LinkedIn Learning to talk about learning in the workplace, advances in enterprise learning technology, and what HR and learning leaders should be thinking about and doing to help address the learning needs of their workforces. LinkedIn recently published their latest Workplace Learning Report, which takes a deep dive into the current state of enterprise learning, what are some of the key drivers of learning in the workplace today, and offers advice for HR and learning leaders to make their programs and efforts more effective.

It has perhaps never been a better time to be a learning leader, and the learning function in the enterprise is more important than ever - with skills development, career development, and upskilling all being on the top of the list of HR and talent management priorities in 2019 and beyond.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

This was a really interesting conversation about an important topic in HR, learning, and talent management, thanks so much to Tanya for joining us.

Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts.


PODCAST: #HRHappyHour 381 - Building a Culture First Organization

HR Happy Hour 381 - Building a Culture First Organization

Hosts: Steve BoeseTrish McFarlane

Guest: Damon Klotz, Work Culture Evangelist, CultureAmp

Sponsored by CultureAmp, the platform that turns your company culture into a competitive advantage. Your employee data tells you what's happened in the past, but what if it could tell you what might happen next. See how with your free Predictive Analytics report at www.cultureamp.com/happy.

Listen HERE

This week on the show, Trish and Steve were joined by Damon Klotz of CultureAmp to talk about what it really means to be a 'culture first' organization, how values in the organization drive behavior and form culture, and how strategy and talent must work in combination with culture to create the best business and people outcomes.

Additionally, we teased the next upcoming Workplace Movie Hall of Fame show, discussed boating on the Great Lakes, and we set the record for the longest pre-show pre-amble in HR Happy Hour Show history.

You can listen to the show on the show page HERE, on your favorite podcast app, or by using the widget player below:

This was a really fun and interesting conversation - thanks so much Damon for joiing us.

Remember to subscribe to the HR Happy Hour Show wherever you get your podcasts and learn more at www.h3hr.com.


REPRISE: The Best Introduction You Will Hear All Year

NOTE: Today is July 4th Independence Day in the USA and that means only one thing - The Nathan's Famous Hot Dog Eating Contest! Back in 2016, I was watching the annual contest and witnessed not only some unreal feats of eating but also became more appreciative and even awed by the contest Master of Ceremonies, George Shea. Shea is a fantastic showman and his 2016 intro of legendary eater Joey Chestnut was equally the stuff of legend and as in 2016 I was writing about just about anything that interested me, I featured Shea here on the blog. So here it is again from 2016.

Have a great holiday weekend!

From July 5, 2016

This is the best speaker/performer/sportsman introduction that you will hear all year - maybe ever.

It comes to us courtesy of the Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest held on July 4th and delivered by Master of Ceremonies George Shea, as he introduced competitive eating legend, and former champion Joey Chestnut.

Forgive the very shaky quality of the video embedded below (email and RSS subscribers click through), as it was recorded by me with my phone from a DVR replay of the event.

Trust me, you want to give this a minute and a few seconds to watch/listen.


Here's the full text of the intro, in case the dodgy audio was tough to decipher:

Two years ago on this stage he asked his girlfriend to marry him. And then last year one week before the contest the wedding was called off. And then on the 4th of July he lost the title of World Champion. And he was beaten and he was broken and he was alone. And nothing that he owned had any value, and his thoughts had no shape and no meaning. And the words fell from his mouth without sound. And he was lost and empty-handed, standing like a boy without friends on the school yard. But then he remembered that he is Joey Chestnut. And there is a time for pain and there is a time for punishment. A time for doubt and a time for dominance. A time for forbearance and a time for fury. And there is never, ever a time for submission. Ladies and gentlemen, the former champion of the world here to take back what was once his  - Joey Chestnut!

Did that bring chills down your spine, or what?


Why write about this, or bring attention to it at all?

Because it is a perfect example of someone, (Shea), going the extra, extra mile. It is a master class in combining facts, context, emotion, and excitement to make his audience interested in and excited about what is about to happen.

Because it is an amazing 1:15 showing a person (Shea) at the absolute top of his game. And not for nothing, shortly after this introduction, Chestnut went on to reclaim his Nathan's Hot Dog Champions title, (and Mustard Belt).

The next time it is your job to introduce someone for a speech or a presentation you'd do well to watch Shea's introduction of Chestnut a few times to find some inspiration. 

And the next time I get introduced for a presentation, I am going to demand that George Shea gets the job.