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    « Best of the HR Happy Hour 2010 - Part I | Main | Preview - Episode 78 - 'Politics, Religion, and Work' »

    Preview - Episode 79 - 'New Communities'

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 79 - 'New Communities'

    Thursday December 16, 2010 - 8PM ET

    Guests - Jenny Cisney and Shruti Goradia from Kodak, and Teresa Basich from Radian6

    Listen live from the show page here, or the listener call in number 646-378-1086, or using the widget player below:

    'Community' might rival 'transparency' and 'engagement' as one of the most often repeated, and potentially misunderstood terms of the social networking age. 'Communities', especially online ones, take many forms, have a wide variety of platforms, and operate in so many different ways that it might be said that every community, be it a customer community, an employee community, or even the greater collection of people living in a city or supporting a cause, has it's own unique and distinct characteristics, needs, and benefits.

    With so many companies and HR organizations grappling the diverse and complex concepts of 'community', we thought it time to talk about communities, community management, and some of the ways organizations can extract the most value out of their supported communities, while simultaneously contributing to the community goals.

    Our guests will be Teresa Basich, Community Manager for Radian6, and two great guests from Kodak, Chief Blogger Jenny Cisney, and Community Manager Shruti Goradia. I hope you can join us for a fun and interesting discussion on community and community management in this, the age of social networking.

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