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    « #HRHappyHour Preview Episode 132 - 'Culture vs. Strategy' | Main | #HRHappyHour - Preview Episode 130 - 'NBA 2012 Season Preview' »

    #HRHappyHour - Preview Episode 131 -'Office Politics'

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 131- 'Office Politics'

    Sponsored by Aquire

    Thursday January 5, 2012 - 8PM ET

    Call in 646-378-1086


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    This week on the HR Happy Hour Show we dive into the New Year, at least in the USA, thinking quite a bit about politics. The campaign for President is in full swing, debates, press conferences, and TV ads are everywhere, and certainly 2012 is shaping up to be a very interesting year.

    Do you care about the political campaigns? Do they impact your work in HR and effect your organizations? Do you stay away from talking about 'real' politics at work and keep the focus on office politics? Can we learn anything from savvy politicians to help us navigate our own careers?

    We will have open lines this week on the show to talk politics, office politics, and whatever else 2012 has in store for you, for HR, and in your careers.

    Joining me on the show will be special guest Trish McFarlane, from HR Ringleader andHRevolution who will also be updating us on what is happening with her projects and ventures, as well as offering some insight on HR leadership challenges for 2012.

    It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!

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