Your first 100 HR Twitter follows
In late December I posted 'An Introduction to Twitter for the HR Student', which was meant to be a guide and starting point for my HR Grad Students, as well as HR professionals who were interested in diving in the world of Twitter. That post can be found here - and remains by far the most viewed post on this blog.
About a month has passed since that post, and I have since found and been found by many, many more talented, informative, interesting, funny, and fantastic HR Tweeps, so I thought I would try to expand the 'Introductory' HR Twitter list, and see if I (we) could come up with the definitive (for today) list of the 100 first follows for the HR student or professional. So without further ado, lets see how far we can get.
1. SteveBoese - Me, since I am spending my 'free' time working on this, I get to be number 1. Seriously, I am an HR Technology Instructor and advisor and I hope if you found your way here, you will give me a follow.
The Bloggers
2. Lisa Rosendahl - from the HR Thoughts blog
3. The HR Maven - from the HR Maven blog
4. lruettimann - from Punk Rock HR
5. sharlyn_lauby - from HR Bartender
6. hrwench - from the Hr Wench blog
7. Hr_Minion - from the HR Minion blog
8. williamtincup - from the Human Capital Vendor space blog
9. kris_dunn - from the HR Capitalist blog
10. pdxmikek - from the Info Box blog
11. mvndrvrt - from the Human Racehorses blog
12. penelopetrunk - from Brazen Careerist
13. thelance - from Your Hr Guy
14. ChrisFerdinandi - from Manager's Sandbox
15. marenhogan from
The Recruiters - note a more complete list of recruiters to follow is here, from The Recruiter's Lounge
16. toddkmiec
17. Barry_at_Impact - Executive Recruiter
18. SJDelaney
19.CincyRecruiter - Executive Recruiter
20. blogging4jobs
21. JenWojcik
22. HireCentrix
23. TheRecruiterGuy
24. animal
25. jjbuss
26. heathergardner
27. havrilla
28. ejobfairs
29. SourcerKelly
30. StevenGilbert
31. jerry_albright
32. jimstroud
The Pros
33. HollyMVG - HR Director and Novelist, if you follow her now, maybe you can get a signed copy of her novel when it comes out, (maybe)
34. SHip - Executive Recruiting Consultant
35. clachnit - Exec Editor at Workforce Management
36. amylewis - from the Human Capital Institute
37. Kelly Mitton - recent HR Graduate and a great person to follow
38. johnhollon - Editor of Workforce Management
39. thealphafemme - HR Director
40. jessica_lee - Employment manager and blogger at Fistful of Talent
The Consultants
41. stelzner - from Inflexion Advisors and from what I hear, a friend of Obama, and the head 'Angel'
42. vastrat - a really deep thinker and interesting follow
43. gautamghosh - Consultant and blogger
44. hrwhisperer - OD Consultant
45. rickdeare - talent acquisition consultant
46. rhhr - President RHHR Associates
47. jasonaverbook - Jason Averbook, CEO of Knowledge Infusion
48. jcorsello - Jason Corsello, also from Knowledge Infusion and the Human Capitalist Blog
49. joningham - Jon Ingham of the Strategic HCM blog
50. seiden - from
51. bncarvin - CEO of Nobscot Co. and once you find out her home base, you will want to take a meeting
52. mspecht - Michael Specht, leading HR consultant and blogger from Australia
The Vendors
53. ICIMS - Recruiting solutions
54. OrangeHRM - open source HR systems
55. VisualCV - service that lets candidates create rich, multi-media CV's
56. Success Factors- Performance Management solutions
57. Compensation data and planning, recently expanding into Talent Management
58. Smart Recruiters- Recruiting solutions for small and medium size businesses
59. Human Capital Institute- great source of information and knowledge
60. Workscape- suite of Talent Management solutions
61. Sum Total Systems- learning management solutions
62. Standout Jobs- Really cool and innovative approach to recruiting solutions
63. ross- Ross Mayfield, Chairman and co-founder of Socialtext
64. dpriemer - from Rypple a cool service for getting performance feedback
65. DailyCareerTips - helpful tips and links to manage your career
66. CompetencyMGMT- helping organizations make better workplace decisions
67. GoCollaboration- feeds blog posts on workplace collaboration
68. kwg4now - COO at HR
69. Leadership News- all about leadership
70. jobangels - a resource for job seekers and folks trying to help them
71. thehiringsite - community for hiring professionals
Everyone Else - I am tired of 're-numbering' so here are the rest I came up with to get close to 100
72. employerbrander - Employer branding consultant
73. yammer_team - Yammer is the 'Twitter for the Enterprise' leader
74. StevenRothberg - founder of
75. presentationzen - great resource on effective presentation design
76. MNHeadhunter- Minnesota based recruiter
77. pauljacobs4real - New Zealand based HR Recruitment strategist
78. jasonalba - from JibberJobber
79. michellerafter - reporter covering business, tech, and HR
80. Bersin - Bersin & Associates Research and News
81. coffeebuzd - HR Pro from the bullseye company
82. GLHoffman - Author of Digyourjob
83. heatherhuhman - resource for Gen Y types
84. annbares - Compensation consultant and blogger
85. chris_bailey - workplace experience designer
86. TheResumator - ATS solutions for the small business market
87. Workscape - Talent Management Solutions
88. visualcv - Resource for jobseekers to create online, multi-media CV's
89. byosko - the man behind Standout Jobs
90. ERE_net - source for recruiting news and information
91. SlideRocket - site for creating and sharing presentations
92. slideshare - site for uploading and sharing your presentations, and for research
93. HRSearchPros - Executive search for HR Pros
94. MikeHaberman - Human Resources Consultant
95. cathymartin - HR Consultant
96. williamu - Talent Acquisition
97. venlatch - HR Student at RIT
98. lunatic09 - HR Student at RIT
99. bizofmanagement - John Hollon's Workforce Management blog
100. hrbartender - HR served up in a refreshing frosty mug
Well, I made it to 100. If I forgot anyone I should have, I am really sorry, I spent a bunch of time on this, but eventually I just had to post the darn thing. I hope some folks will add some suggestions in the comments that will boost the list to 200 (or more).
Please add any names of 'key' folks to follow to the comments, and happy Twittering!
Reader Comments (27)
wow. what an effort! great resource and thanks for including me. i would recommend adding some employment law peeps. i really like following the employment law attorney eric meyer (@Eric_B_Meyer). i'd also add for the recruiters section (although it's quite saturated there already, isn't it?) some of the recruiting industry godfathers/heavy weights: gerry crispin (@GerryCrispin), ERE CEO david manaster (@dmanaster), john sumser (@JohnSumser)... they all have interesting insight into the recruiting biz and generally the state of the workforce.
Steve: Thanks for putting me on the list. Very reassuring to see a lot of these people are already among my Twitter connections.
If you do another, what about the top 100 corporate HR directors or SVPs on Twitter - that's be some list.
Michelle Rafter
Contributing Editor, Workforce Management
Steve, This is a great list - thank you. If any of your readers are looking for strategy and advice about returning to work after a career break, they should check out and read Back on the Career Track: A Guide for Stay-at-Home Moms Who Want to Return to Work. Note that despite the subtitle, the book's advice is just as effective for men as women, and for those who took career breaks unrelated to childcare. We're on twitter at @iRelaunch.
Hi Steve, just a short note to say that I truly appreciate being a part of this great list. Lots of familiar faces and plenty of new folks here that I can't wait to follow and connect with. Cheers, Chris
Steve, I'm thrilled to be included on this impressive list. Thank you! It's a bit early to be offering people signed copies of the book, but your suggesting it has put a grin on my face that'll last all weekend. Thanks again. Since this is an HR post I'll give you my "official" name,
Holly M.V. Gorski, PHR
Thanks everyone for the comments and suggestions for this list. I did this list the first time in response to questions I got from students and other HR pros unfamiliar with Twitter. I know that 'we' all see the value, but for many, many others it just seems like a waste of time, or a distraction. So hopefully, some students and recent Twitter folks can use this list to get started.
Going forward, I will find a 'better' place for this list, somewhere that folks can more easily find and where it can be maintained, as I said in the post, I'd like to see this list grow to 200, or even more. Thanks for reading and commenting and Twittering!
Great list. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for putting this together and including me. Great list!
Thanks for putting me on your terrific list Steve. Truly honored and loved your bit on why you should be #1! :) There are some wonderful people here that I didn't even know were on Twitter. Time for some new invites.....
Thanks everyone for the comments and for the positive responses to my little list. I connected with many great folks putting it together, and when I get some time, I will get this information posted in a more editable, accessible place. Mark, I get to be No 1, 'cuz I spent way too many hours cutting and pasting links to put myself lower on the list.
The best thing about this post, I think, is I have picked up some new HR followers, and when I check out their profile page, their little 'followees' grid looks like the list of people in this post. Makes me realize that quite a few HR people are really using this list to get started on Twitter, which was the point of the whole thing.
Just ran across your list. Thanks for including me on it. I am mvndrvrt on twitter
Good Lord, you took a lot of time to do this.and thank goodness it's not a crappy Rolling Stone list they roll out. Tomorrow, I might have to add on some people. Great Job, Steve.
You can completely be forgiven for missing me - I'm pretty new to the blog world. I am particularly interested in reaching new HR professionals and wannabes also, so next time around, check me out. Thanks!
Hi there Good Witch, I am definitely following you now, (and have been for a while) and when I update the list, you are absolutely included! Thanks for reading and commenting.
Relatively new to the twitter universe but I think we're worth a follow! We're a company specializing in employee training and incident management. We're using twitter to bring relevant workplace articles and blog posts to people's attention that they might otherwise miss. Just trying to help HR folks stay informed on what's important to them.
And trying to inject a little humour here and there. Tune in for my Cap'n Obvious tip'o th'day. Trying to highlight one article a day that captures things that seem like such obvious common sense that it makes me sad that articles need to be written about them at all...
Some readers may like to follow us too (@careermee). is an online MBA recruitment platform: basically a targeted, exclusive reverse job board for MBAs from the world's best business schools.
We tweet about MBA news/recruiting topics from our blog, and also tweet MBA jobs and internships.
I just ran across your list. Thanks for including me. I appreciate that!
Sure thing Cathy, thanks for finding the list. One day I will publish an update!
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