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    A Reader asks: How to get more 'Strategic'?

    I have a few more posts to write from things I saw and heard at the HR Technology Conference, but this question came in from a reader in reaction to my 'Be Curious' post:

    I am only provided information on a "need to know" basis. Never included in planning meetings, etc. What can I do to prove my value and become more strategic?

    I did reply to the question, but I figured I would throw this one out to the community. What do you think, how does the average HR Generalist in a company that does not seem to place much value in the HR function break out of the administrative, paper-pushing role and become more 'strategic?

    What specific steps should he/she take?



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    Reader Comments (11)

    Do something amazing. Don't sit out there on the outside and hope for inclusion. Provide insight and advice that people just can't ignore. Measure stuff. Use those metrics to guide decisions within HR that make it a profit center instead of just a money pit. Hire all stars and terminate the crappy employees. Start communicating with employees in a two-way manner to find problems that you can solve.

    There's nobody holding you back in these ways. Get out there and make something happen. People will notice.

    October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterBen Eubanks

    I think the telling statement here is: "I am provided information". First step to being strategic is you need to go and get that information. Schedule meetings with your clients to understand their vision, issues they face, how do they define success, how are they personally measured and rewarded. Once you understand that you can start looking at your Service Offerings as an HR Generalist to see what you can offer your client to make them successful.

    If they won't meet with you, create a marketing plan. Understand your service offerings, what problems do they solve for your clients. Get that message in front of them and start setting meetings just like a sales/marketing team would do.

    It will be a process, you won't wake up tomorrow being a strategic partner to everyone, take it one client at a time and market the hell out of your success stories.

    My .02.

    October 5, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMike Leatherman

    @Ben - Thanks for the comments, I think you are correct that people will notice exceptional ideas and contributions. I think the frustration seen in the email was borne from not really knowing where to start. It is sometimes hard to identify that key area to focus your efforts on to get started.

    @Mike - I like your thought about taking one step at a time. Find one problem, customer, or issue to focus on and just get started. If you can't get the face time, at least prepare your approach and at least be sure they have the chance to see it. That may be the key to get you in the door.

    October 5, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

    Ask, volunteer, do. Do your supervisors know that you want to be included? Do they know what you have to offer? If not, show them. Take Bens advice and do expecptional work. Bring solutions to the table, I'm sure you see some deficiency in the processes. Find those and create solid solutions that move the strategic goals of the company forward.

    October 6, 2009 | Unregistered Commenteradowling

    I have this theory that being "strategic" is a bit like being good in bed - if you have to say you are, you probably aren't. BUT, there are techniques you can use to add more value, and that should be the focus, not the S word.

    October 6, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterStacy Chapman

    @April - Thanks very much. Great advice as always.

    @Stacy - That is the best comment ever in the history of this blog. Love it!

    October 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

    Stacy Chapman is the best and I know this first hand.

    Now adding to her comment but with less flair I would also suggest that being useful should probably be one of the first things you look to do. Quit trying to push your "strategic" agenda on the business, instead ask them what *they* care about and what they could use help with, and find a way to be helpful. Once you cross the bridge to being top of mind when value is needed you will find yourself able to offer more and then the tide will shift.

    October 7, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMeg Bear

    @Meg - Thanks for the very solid recommendation. Get off your high horse and just get in there and start solving problems and forget the labels. Love it.

    October 7, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

    I wonder if the situation can be repaired. If you're waiting for the data already, it's going to take a big investment to overcome the current perception.

    My first bit of advice would be "get a new job". Either you have created the situation or have found yourself in an untenable one. Your investment is likely to be bigger in the old job than it would be at a new one where the roles are not so cemented,

    October 15, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterJohn Sumser

    Well, some people here commenting have already given excellent advices, so I think I would not have much to add. There's a generic viagra Conference on the internet, and it has a whole chapter of HR advices... That's all I can add up.

    September 6, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDan

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    September 28, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterken

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