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Carnival Time - Minion Style

One of the very coolest HR Bloggers in the world, the HR Minion, is your host of the latest Carnival of HR at her HR Minion blog.

The Minion is uber-awesome and she did a great job of assembling this edition of the Carnival, with some fantastic offerings from HR Bartender, Lisa RosendahlJon Ingham and more.

Even my little 'ol HR Technology blog is included, for which I say Thanks to the Minion.

Check out the Carnival for some great reads from some great bloggers.




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Reader Comments (2)

Thanks for posting about the carnival. It highlights a few problems within HR, and gives great input. Sharlyn Lauby had a particular post about HR and social networking.

What's your two cents about social networking via technology?

April 30, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterCade Krueger

I come down more along the side of tools and platforms that foster communication and collaboration behind the corporate firewall. I like the notion of employees connecting, sharing, and creating with each other on a platform that the organization can administer and configure to its particular needs. I am generally ok with employees having access to external social networks and sites from work, and I do come down on the side that issues of 'time-wasting' and 'inappropriate activity' are really more management problems than technology issues. There are certainly real use-cases for participation in external social networking in the workplace, the obvious one is recruiting, but really there are many, many others. I think the best idea is always to manage to results, nothing else.

Thanks very much for reading and commenting, I appreciate it very much.

April 30, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

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