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I'm an HR Rock Star? Really?

Well, the Creative Chaos Consultant seems to think so. Flickr - themechanism

Head over the the CCC blog to see my interview on HR Technology, teaching HR, The HR Happy Hour Show, with a bit of barbecue mixed in.

Thanks, CCC for the interview and for putting me the the 'Rock Star' category.

Hmm, maybe I need to don the costume and makeup like Gene here from now on....

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Reader Comments (4)

Steve, you know you rock! Now if I could get all of the other HR Rock Stars together on a world tour-that would be AWESOME. HR would never be the same again.

Thanks again for the interview!

Hi CCC - It was definitely my pleasure, and I thank you for the opportunity. I look forward to the continuation of the 'Rock Star' series.

July 24, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

Loved the interview over at CCC. You are a rock star. Interesting that you chose Gene Simmons to represent you. He's my favorite rocker and I would have chose him too. I went to a KISS concert a couple years ago and was 7th row right in front of Gene. HE ROCKS! Wonder how he would be working in HR?? ha ha

July 25, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterTrish McFarlane

Thanks Trish! I really did not have any pic in mind, and when I searched for a creative commons pic on Flickr for 'Rock Star' that one came up and seemed a good fit for the post. Gene would be great in HR, if he was having an employee relations issue, he could just breathe some fire and chase the employee away!

July 25, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

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