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    HR Tech Twitter Chat No. 3 - Wrap Up

    Last night Bryon Abramowitz from Knowledge Infusion and I co-hosted the third HR Tech chat on Twitter, focusing on the role of HR in Internal Collaboration projects.

    It was a relatively small group, but a quite lively chat and I think the general consensus that emerged was that HR departments have a great opportunity to lead the organization in this area, but many if not most HR leaders are not yet well-versed in the available technologies in this domain, and then how best to proceed in their evaluation and implementation.

    If you missed the chat, all the #HR_Tech tweets can be viewed here.

    Special thanks to Chuck Gillespie, Jun Cruzat, Steve Gere, Troy Heinritz, Chris Havrilla, Lois Melbourne and everyone else (especially the UC Berkeley students) that participated last night.

    The next HR Tech Twitter Chat is scheduled for Wednesday, August 5 at 9 PM EDT where the topic will be Integrated Talent Management Systems.  I hope that you can join in on the conversation.

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    Reader Comments (2)

    I'd like to join the next twitter conversation. How do I join that conversation on August 5th?

    July 10, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterChris

    Hi Chris - All you need to do to participate is be online on Twitter at the time of the chat, and Tweet and follow Tweets with the #HR_Tech hashtag in them. I like to use Tweetchat.com to help follow the conversation, but you can also use Tweetgrid or a search column on Tweetdeck. That is basically it.

    July 13, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

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