HR and the Mini
Am I crazy or does it seems that there are way more Mini drivers (no not her)
Minnie Driver
I am talking about this Mini:
Mini Cooper S
among Human Resources professionals that anywhere else you look?
From a series of Tweets last week, and from some talk on last Friday's HR Happy Hour, I'd say the percentage of Mini owners in HR to be way higher than the general public.
Does this mean anything at all? Why do you think Human Resources types seem to gravitate to this car?
Do other discipines have their own preferred car?
Was I out of ideas for a blog post?
Let me know, do you drive a Mini and have you noticed that many of your HR colleagues do as well?
Reader Comments (14)
HI, as a product manager within HR I of course drive a Mini, its such fun and its got a great engine.
I like a car that is
* Easy to use
* Have fast responses
* Great resources available when needed
* Are flexible (with the back seat down you can pack stuff in it)
* Is generally nice to you
It must be a recognition thing:-)
Thanks Christian for the comments. I swear there is a ridiculously high percentage of HR folks with Minis. In the US, there were about 60,000 - 65,000 Minis sold in 2008. There were roughly 13 Million new cars and light trucks sold in total. That is about one half of one percent. That is an incredibly small number, yet I must know a dozen HR folks with Minis. It is way out of whack, and I would love to know why. Thanks very much for reading and sharing your observations on the Mini.
Actually, the only three HR folks to ever work here have all driven Volvos. (including myself)
But.... I'd drive a Mini. :)
I work in an 80+ employee HR department, and I'm the only one who owns a Mini. I am one of two HRIS employees, and I'm also one of only a handful of GenXers in my department. I'm not sure if either of those factors play a role in me being the sole Mini motorer of the department, but I thought it'd be interesting to share.
Thanks for the post about Minis! Perhaps we should start an HR Mini club. :)
Thanks Tammy for the comments about the Volvos in your organization. But, I see you would not rule out the Mini either!
Mandy - Thanks for your comments, 1 out of 80 is certainly more in line with the overall sales figures that I found. I don't know if it may be a generational thing or not, that is a good point you made. I hope that you and your Mini have many happy years together!
I love that you wrote a post about Minis. Here's the thing. Driving a Mini is just more exciting than driving a Honda or Toyota. I loved my Toyota Corolla when I had it, but no car I've ever driven has ever been so complimented, loved, and been more fun to drive. Like Christian said above, it's generally nice to you and I'll add that driving my Mini makes me smile. Having an HR professional in a good mood when they get to work is a good thing. My husband and I always joke that driving in general would be much more fun if everyone drove a Mini. Perhaps, someday. ; )
Let's Motor!
Thanks Kari for sharing your Mini love here. It definitely seems that the Mini not only is a fun car, but really engenders passion from its owners. One day soon I need to drive one to see what I am missing. Thanks again and I am glad you enjoyed the post.
I sooooo want a mini! I love them.
I realize I read the article and did add a comment. . . will do so now!
I totally agree with Kari that driving a MINI is about the fun it inspires. Even after the worst day at work, I get to drive home in my MINI which really does make me smile. It's just a fun experience and everyone that I have had in my car makes the same comment: Wow, it's much bigger than I thought.
The connection with MINI's and HR? Who knows except that they are not that expensive and allow us to show off a fun side of our personalities that may not get a chance to come across in the office. I'm not a MINI snob but I do have a big place in my heart for this car and other like minded folks. Like my license plate says: LVMINE.
Thanks Minion and HRJEFE for checking in. I do see clearly that the cult of MINI is a strong one, and it probably does not have that much to do with HR, but it is interesting nonetheless. Thanks for stopping by!
if I ever become a "real:" HR professional and actually get paid for that I'll by myself a MINI :-)
Interesting post Steve! :-)
Thanks Irena - I am sure you will become 'real' soon enough and join the #HRMINI tribe!
I wonder if Oracle's HR Analytics package has a built in Dashboard report that can answer this question for you...I digress.
Not sure how many HR people drive MINI's but from my experience they sure are fun, get great gas mileage, fun, easy to drive, fun, quick to wash, fun, zippy and did I mention fun?
After reading the comments, I am jealous that HRJEFE has such a great personalized license plate (LVMINE). Oh and the snappy little comment you made on the HR Happy Hour about HR people not getting a seat at the table since they drive MINI's? Just remember, payback is a [REDACTED].
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