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The Most Important Job on the Boat

This week I am attending, as a guest of The Conference Board, their excellent Leadership Development Experience at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. 

The experience is just that - an experiential learning program that educates on the important historical aspects of the Battle of Gettysburg and the important leadership situations and decisions that were made and applies them to some of today's modern business leadership challenges.

Last night at the welcome sessions and dinner one of the attendees, shared some of his prior background with the table.  He had served for a number of years as a submarine officer in the US Navy. He was not allowed to share many other details about the specific of the service, but did share this anecdote, about the training and development of skills of submarine crew members.

He asked us - What is the most important job on a submarine?  While we offered some meek guesses, he gave us the real answer - steering the boat while it is underwater. You can't 'see' anything, you have to know how to read instruments, interpret data, make fast and vital decisions, etc.  

So yes, he continued, steering the boat is the most important job on the submarine, and it is the first thing that we teach every new crew member, and everyone on the sub needs to know how to do it the right way.

Love it.  The most important job, taught to every member of the team, and taught as the very first development experience for new team members.

Think about your new employee onboarding - do you make sure that the most critical skills and capabilities are taught right up front like that?  And that every team member is capable in these critical skillls?

Love the story and what it suggests to those of us that have to bring new team members on board.


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Reader Comments (7)

My company has also been using the Gettysburg experience for leadership development. It has had a major impact and caused a culture shift. We've adopt many of the concepts and language into our daily work. Some of the concepts that resonate in our company include: clarity of intent, two up and two down communication, step in and step out leadership and leadership adaptability.

Another concept is similar to the one you describe. For my company it is about "being the rudder" of the boat. I wrote a post about leadership as the rudder of the boat a few months ago.

Regards, GeekCoach

June 24, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterGeekCoach

Steve - Thanks for sharing this !! My company is reviewing it's On-Boarding process and this is great insight and a reminder to look at critical things that are "under the surface." Hope you're enjoying the experience !!

June 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterSteve Browne

I love the simplicity and visualness of the message: "The most important job on a submarine is steering the boat while it is underwater."

How true is this task in business and in life.

Good post, Steve, and thanks for a short and on-the-mark blog piece.

Joanne Maly. Lincoln Maly Marketing, Cincinnati, Ohio

June 25, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterJoanne Maly

@Geekcoach - Thanks for the comments, I am in complete agreement with you on the value of the Leadership Experience - by far the best program of its kind I have come across.

@Steve - Thanks very much - I appreciate your insights as always

@Joanne - Thanks so much!

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