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« Notes from #SHRM11 - Day 0.5 | Main | Traffic, housing choices, and commitment »

#SHRM11, TLNT, HRevolution, FOT, and Nirvana

Tomorrow I am heading out to the SHRM 2011 Annual Conference & Exposition in Las Vegas, the first time for me attending the big annual SHRM extravaganza.  While I am there I'll be spending time with my friends Laurie RuettimannChina Gorman , and Terry Starr from Dice as part of Dice.com's event programming. You can learn more about what Laurie, China, and I will be doing, and see our schedules for Dice's booth #2616 here. Dice.com is the leading careers site for Technology professionals and for the companies looking for them, and it is 100% true that the best job I ever had I found on Dice.com.

And also out at SHRM I'll be joining the crew from TLNT.com for the debut of TLNT Radio, broadcasting live from the SHRM Social Media Lounge on Tuesday June 28th at 2PM ET / 11AM PT. Lance Haun and John Hollon from TLNT will be on board, and we have a great lineup of guests slated to join us for the first show.  You can learn more about the show on TLNT.com and listen live next Tuesday on the show page here.

And don't forget that tickets for the next HRevolution event, this one taking place in Las Vegas on October 2, 2011, are on sale here. The early discounted tickets are all gone, but there is still time for you to be a part of the most exciting event happening in the HR space today.

Register for HRevolution - Las Vegas in Las Vegas, NV  on Eventbrite

Also, today is my turn on Fistful of Talent, with a take on change, electric cars, and anxiety - Range and Change Anxiety: Electric Cars Are More Like Your Company Than You Think..... I'd love for you to give it a read and let me know what you think.

And last thing, the 'Nirvana' in the post title is in recognition that this coming September marks the 20th anniversary of Nivana's essential album 'Nevermind', and this week the band's label Universal, announced plans to celebrate with a bonus-packed reissue. Nothing like the 20th anniversary of a seminal album to make you feel old. Maybe grabbing up the 'bonus-packed' reissue will help you relive some of that teen spirit yourself (email and rss subscribers click through)

Have a great weekend and if you'll be at SHRM National please come by the Dice.com Booth #2616 and say hello.

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Reader Comments (3)

Steve: Your first SHRM? How lucky to be able to view it with totally fresh eyes. Me, I've never been because it always seemed to represent HR in about 1989. Yes, the year PeopleSoft Version 1.0 was released. And the meeting's respect for and understanding of technology seems no further along.

Please tell me how I'm wrong. Tell me what I would have learned at SHRM that you presume I don't already know. I am anxious to raise my opinion of the event, but in the last 22 years, no one has given me a convincing reason. Ask Laurie, China, Lance and John, too, if you'd be so kind, when they're not otherwise occupied. Have fun.

June 25, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBill Kutik

Bill - thanks for the observations, I get the sense you are still correct. I think there will be quite a bit of conversation and energy around social technologies mainly for recruiting purposes, but more deep and fundamental coverage of HR Technology is probably not in the cards. That's why people have to go to the HR Technology Conference!

June 26, 2011 | Registered CommenterSteve

Very good article.

January 31, 2024 | Unregistered Commenterkadashika

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