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    HR Happy Hour - Back Live Tonight!

    After a few weeks of R&R, (not really), the long-running HR Happy Hour internet radio show and podcast is back, with a live episode tonight at 8:00PM ET.

    Tonight's show, titled 'Go Mobile: Relo, Recruiting, Retention', will feature guests Trish McFarlane from the HR Ringleader, and Kris Dunn, from the HR Capitalist. Aside - maybe I need a new nickname for this blog.

    You can catch the show in a few ways - live at 8:00PM from the show page here, via the call-in listener line 646-378-1086, or via the widget player below:

    Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio


    You can also follow the backchannel conversations on Twitter, including some special questions and discussions from Trish, on the #HRHappyHour hashtag.

    On the show tonight we'll be talking about some of the most interesting current issues and trends in recruiting, closing the deal for top candidates, managing candidate expectations, getting new hires up to speed, and even figuring out how and perhaps more importantly why, to worry about retention of talent.Click for full size chart

    The genesis for this conversation, and the source of many of the data points we will be using in the discussion, is the Allied Workforce Mobility Survey, details of which can be found on the Allied HRIQ site here.

    Just one example of the fantastic data set that can be found over at the Alled HRIQ site is on the right, a look at how organizations rated themselves on the relative strengths and weaknesses of their recruiting initiatives. And there is plenty more interesting charts, result sets, and analysis about what is happening in recruiting, relocation, onboarding, and retention today.

    So I hope you can check out the Allied HRIQ site, and then tune into the HR Happy Hour show, back live tonight at 8:00 PM ET.

    It should be, as usual, a fun and interesting show!

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