Top 3 reasons why you need to attend #HRevolution 2013
Here are the Top 3 reasons why you need to attend the upcoming HRevolution event set for October 6, 2013 in America's Wonderland - Las Vegas, Nevada and sponsored exclusively by our friends at SumTotal Systems.
Reason 1 - HRevolution is the premier event for HR/Talent/Recruiting/Business professionals to connect, engage, and participate in conversations around the most important people and business challenges of the day. At HRevolution you're likely to spend an hour in the morning in a frank and open conversation about diversity, have lunch while listening to your colleagues present in 'HR Improv' style, and end the day tearing down, (and re-building) performance management or succession planning.
Reason 2 - (this probably should be Reason 1), The connections you make at HRevolution, before, during, and after the event are almost certainly going to be among the most meaningful and important in your continuing professional development. The event's size, around 120 people, makes it perfect to meet, get to know, and re-cement friendships and collaborative relationships. Once you attend HRevolution for the first time, you've joined a family of like-minded, supportive, and fun people that think like you (sometimes), and want to make a change like you do (all the time).
Reason 3 - The continuing collaboration and co-location with the HR Technology Conference. For the third year in a row, HRevolution has partnered with HR Tech, the world's premier event for professionals interested in workforce and workplace technology. This partnership provides HRevolution not only support with event logistics, but HRevolution attendees are also offered an exclusive $600 discount code to attend HR Tech. So even if HRevolution is new to you, if you are already planning to come to HR Tech, simply come out to Las Vegas one day sooner and take in both events.
Reason 4 - (a bonus reason served up at no extra cost) If you are really nice to him, the great Mike Carden will help explain the importance of moisture as a contributor to your overall ocular health. Just ask him about it.
So check out the HRevolution 2013 registration page, (more details on the agenda are coming soon, join the HRevolution LinkedIn group, follow the hashtag #HRevolution on Twitter and get to know some of the people that are a part of the community. And make your plans to join about 120 of the most interesting, passionate, and fun people in the HR and Talent space this October.Thanks SumTotal!
It's my pleasure and honor to be a part of the team that puts together HRevolution along my friends Trish McFarlane, Ben Eubanks, and Matt Stollak. You can contact any of us if you have questions about the event.
See you in Las Vegas!
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