Easter candy, ranked
In preparation for the imminent arrival of everyone's favorite Bunny, your entirely unscientific, unresearched, incomplete, and 100% accurate ranking of Easter basket candies:
398 - Spiced jelly beans
397 - 11 - <big list of forgettable candies>
10. Solid chocolate bunny
9. Lindt Chocolate Carrots
8. Peeps
7. Milk Chocolate Peeps
6. Mini Robin Eggs
5. Reese's Peanut Butter Egg
4. Hollow Milk Chocolate Bunny (the best part is the hard candy bunny eyeball)
3. Cadbury Creme Egg
2. Russell Stover Marshmallow Egg
1. Jelly Belly Jelly Beans
As always, you can disagree with these rankings but of course you would be wrong.
Have a great, long weekend, hope your basket is filled with whatever it is you love.
Reader Comments (3)
Steve--In 9 years of reading your posts, I have almost always agreed.
Until now.
The freakishness that is the Cadbury Creme Egg deserves no place on such a list. Its vaguely alien flavor and consistency is an abomination--it insults candy everywhere. In addition, any list of top Easter candy that does not place Reese's Peanut Butter Egg at the top is critically flawed.
Hope you are well, friend. Happy Easter.
Oh RJ you are forgetting the most important element of the 'ranked' post - you can disagree with the list, but of course you'd be wrong. Thanks for playing though!
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