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Pies, ranked

In collaboration with my HR Happy Hour Show Co-host, Trish McFarlane, we present the authoritative, unscientific, unresearched, subjective, and 100% accurate ranking of pies.

10. Boston Cream - (Trish says there is some controversy if this is 'pie'. It is.)

9. Banana Cream - A good way to introduce the fruit to an unwilling eater.

8. Vinegar - this is a Trish pick - it involves custard not so much vinegar. It's a midwest thing.

7. Apple - more for the nostalgia than the tasteVinegar pie

6. Cherry - Cool drink of water.

5. Lemon Meringue - How come there are not more 'meringue' pie types?

4. Peach - Very underrated pie.

3. Pecan - is 'Pe-can' or 'Pe-Kahn'? Doesn't matter.

2. Pumpkin - deserves to be eaten more than once a year

1. Key lime - 'I could eat this all day' - Trish

As always, you can disagree with these rankings, but of course, you would be wrong.

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References (6)

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    Response: CTET Result
    ctete nk dnldn kDDNal LA
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    Many people love to eat pies but if the ingredients ratio is not fine then its taste would be changed. Whenever I will back pies at home I must keep in my mind to take the right ratio of ingredients. Definitely every one have its own taste and sometimes they will ...
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    Well this is really a very weird blog. Although I have read a lot of blogs related to the cooking or recipes but I have never read a blog having ranking for the food. But it is unique and funny also.
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    Response: Chokho Pies
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