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Halloween candy, ranked

In preparation for the imminent arrival of everyone's favorite Great Pumpkin, your entirely unscientific, unresearched, incomplete, and 100% accurate ranking of Halloween candies:

I know what you're thinking, a second 'Ranked' post in four days? Sorry, I forgot (kind of), that Halloween was this week. Er, today.

Also, I am not wading into the 'fun size' vs. 'mini' vs. 'full size' candy bar controversy. We all know the answer to that issue. And finally, since I can't be at this all day, going to limit the list to my Top 20 - if I forgot one of your favorites, let me know in the comments.

Here goes...

20. Pixie Stix

19. Mike & ike

18. Mounds

17. Reese's Pieces

16. Nestle's Crunch

15. Twix

14. Twizzlers

13. Nerds

12. Sour Patch Kids

11. Krackle

10. Skittles

9. Baby Ruth

8. M&M's

7. Snickers

6. Clark

5. Reese's Peanut Butter Cups

4. Starburst

3. Milky Way

2. KitKat

1. Butterfinger

As always, you can disagree with these rankings but of course you would be wrong. 

Happy Trick of Treating!

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