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    Entries in Lorenz (1)


    A Picture in Search of a Post

    I like pictures of baby geese swimming in line behind Mama Goose.

    Maybe it is because I always enjoyed the work of the great psychological theorist Konrad Lorenz, who developed the concept of imprinting, and proved that baby geese would follow anything around if they were convinced what they were following was their Mama.

    This is the point in the post where I should 'connect the dots' and link the image of the baby geese, trusting and obedient, and following Mama Goose to some grand pronouncement somewhat related to the theme of this blog, HR Technology.

    I should make a point about people getting caught up in the latest trend in technology (Twitter, Social Recruiting, or bashing ERP), and implore them to analyze their own specific business challenges and capabilities before blindly following 'what the cool kids are doing'.

    Actually bashing ERP is not really a 'trend', it's just something I like to do.

    Or I could stretch the analogy to wax philosophic about Mama Goose as the leader, and the baby geese totally reliant on her to safely navigate the dangers and uncertainty of life as a goose, and exhort the managers and leaders who may read this to bear in mind their similar responsibilities to their organizations and employees.

    Or I could just post a cool picture of a family of geese, peacefully swimming along, and leave it at that, in fact that is what I am going to do.

    So, here it is, some geese following their mom, a picture in search of a post.