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    Entries in wordle (2)


    A Class Session Wordle

    A Wordle from the transcript of my HR Technology Class this week:

    Are there any guesses as to what this class session was about?



    Class - Please Introduce yourselves

    Every class usually starts with a classic, 'Let's go around the room and have everyone introduce themselves and tell a little about yourself' kind of exercise.  These are pretty standard, sometimes a bit dull.  In a class that is offered completely online, these introductions take the form of forum discussion posts, that have to be read one after another and can be very flat and non-illuminating. 

    But how about viewing the content of a series of student intoductions like this:

    Class Intro Word cloud

    This is a 'word cloud', generated by a cool service called Wordle, that helps illuminate and give some life to a series of introductory posts.  What kind of class do we have, based on the word cloud?

    I think tools like these can help give some perspective and help you look at raw text data in a new way.