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    Preview - Episode 72 - Fistful of Talent Radio

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 72 - 'Fistful of Talent Radio'

    Thursday October 21, 2010 - 8PM ET

    Listen from the show page, using the widget below, or on the call in line 646-378-1086.

    Fistful of Talent is well known and respected as one of the leading blogs in the HR/Recruiting/Talent space (and that's not just because I get to contribute once in a while), but due to the consistent quality, sometimes edgy and controversial point of view, and the quality of the roster of the contributors.

    Since Fistful has a strong recruiting angle, we will kick around some of today's most interesting and possibly controversial topics in the recruiting space - namely how much digging for information about candidates on the social nets is fair game, and when does it go too far; when does it make sense to call in the big (RPO) guns for help; and are we all just wasting time worrying and talking about 'candidate experience'.

    Joining us on the show will be FOT founder Kris Dunn, FOT Editor in Chief Jessica Lee, and Chief S&@# stirrer Tim Sackett, and more of your friends from the crew.

    Who knows where the conversation will go, but I guarantee it will be lively and entertaining.  I hope you can join the fun.

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