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    HR Southwest Preview - The Stars at Night

    The HR Happy Hour show is back on the road this week, (as I get a taste of what life might be like working the State Fair circuit selling BBQ out of my truck), with two special live broadcasts from the HR Southwest Conference, deep in the heart of Texas.

    Here is the rundown of the shows we are planning from the event:

    Monday October 11, 2010 - 11AM CT - 'The HR Conference Show'

    With so many events, so much discussion and coverage, and lots of change and competition in the conference economy (apologies to Stelzner), we are going to have an open dialogue about the scene - what's working, what isn't, and what the future holds.  We will have a great panel for the show, and hope you can join us as well with your thoughts on the HR Conference game.

    Listen live from the Episode Page, using the widget player below, or the call in number 646-378-1086.

    Tuesday October 12, 2010 - 1:30CT - 'Doing More with Less'

    Face it, almost all of us are stretched way too thin, with too much to do, and not nearly enough resources, money, time to make it all work. Nothing new you say?  Well it seems worse than before, as the jobless recovery grinds on (is it really a recovery at all?, and we are forced to make hard decisions about what to do, and what t let go. How can we truly do more with less, how can we get better at saying 'No', and knowing when to say 'Yes'.   We will have a great group of folks assembled to hash this out, and hope you can join us as well.

    Listen live from the Episode Page, using the widget player below, or the call in number 646-378-1086.

    That is the plan, two big shows from HR Southwest, taking in some sessions, hanging out with the cool kids at the Voice of HR booth, and eating way too much Texas BBQ.

    See you in Texas!

    Reader Comments (2)

    [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Trish McFarlane, Steve Boese and HR Happy Hour, Steve Boese. Steve Boese said: The #HRHappyHour will be live at #HRSWC10 this week - show details are here - http://bit.ly/bPZ5q4 [...]

    See you all at HR Southwest!

    October 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterChris Ponder

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