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    Episode 14 - Clueless at Love

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 14 - Clueless at Love - Thursday, October 15, 2009 9PM ET. Call in on 646-378-1086.

    So when friends of the HR Happy Hour show Laurie Ruettimann and Sarah White raised the idea of doing a dating/relationship advice show on the HR Happy Hour, I naturally said yes.

    I need all the help I can get.

    Laurie and Sarah have an exciting new project, Clueless at Love, and of course I was honored and happy to host the first ever 'Clueless' show. I hope that when Laurie and Sarah someday survey their empire, they will look back fondly on the HR Happy Hour show.

    So here is the deal:

    The show will go live at 9PM ET, we will set the stage a bit, and then take calls for the majority of the show.

    Need help? Advice? Are you truly Clueless at Love?

    Laurie and Sarah will set you straight.


    Behind the Scenes at Episode 12

    The fantastic Laurie Ruettimann from Punk Rock HR posted some behind the scenes video taken from HR Happy Hour Episode 12 from the HR Technology Conference in Chicago.

    There are several cool clips there, here is is just one, the rest can be viewed at Laurie's YouTube channel.

    Thanks very much Laurie for uploading these videos, it is just another small step towards multimedia domination.


    Episode 12 - The Happy Recap

    HR Happy Hour - Episode 12 broadcast live from the HR Technology Conference on October 1, 2009 was absolutely EPIC.

    The show took place from the offices of Jason Seiden's dad (thanks Jason for organizing the location), and was attended by about 15 fantastic folks (and we probably could have had another half-dozen if there had been enough space).

    The energy, enthusiasm, and interplay that was generated on the show was really only possible by having so many of the folks in the same place at the same time. I am not sure how, but I am convinced that taking the show on the road is a big part of the future of this little chatfest.

    Special thanks to Jason Seiden, Laurie Ruettimann, and Mark Stelzner for taking time out of what I know were busy schedules to guest on the show.

    And thanks to Lance Haun, Beth Carvin, Trish McFarlane, Traci DeVeau, Mark Cummuta, Charee Klimek, Michael Krupa, Laura DiFlorio, and Lois Melbourne for attending and participating in the show.

    Take a listen to the show where the guests, audience, and callers discussed the strategic role of HR, the proper role of HR in an organization's social media efforts, and what technologies seen at the HR Technology Conference were the most interesting and exciting.

    But to me, beyond the discussion, the most compelling,fascinating, and thrilling aspect of Episode 12 was the fantastic spirit and feeling of fellowship among the people in the room, the callers, and the folks who listened, tweeted, and enjoyed the show. It was for me, a truly unforgettable experience, and I extend my thanks and appreciation to everyone who contributed in some way.

    Take a listen, I am confident you will feel the same way I do, that this was really a special show and a wonderful experience.