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About the HR Happy Hour Show

The HR Happy Hour Show and Podcast is produced by H3 HR Advisors, a full-service HCM consulting and advisory firm.  Led by Trish McFarlane and Steve Boese, H3 HR Advisors provides the most current thought leadership in the HR arena.   In addition to consulting and advisory services, Trish and Steve provide keynote presentations, concurrent session presentations, webinars and can produce the HR Happy Hour podcast live at your event.

The HR Happy Hour Show is a podcast and web radio show hosted by Steve Boese and Trish McFarlane that focuses on workplace topics and issues like talent management, recruiting, HR technology, social media, leadership, careers, and more. The show is lively, conversational, and challenging at the same time. And also fun, it is a Happy Hour after all!

Since 2009, the HR Happy Hour has welcomed a wide and impressive array of guests – HR leaders, Academics, practitioners, consultants, and authors to talk about the most timely, relevant, and challenging issues impacting work and workplaces today.

You can listen to the show in several ways:

On the show’s home page on BlogTalkRadio –www.blogtalkradio.com/steve-boese

On Apple’s iTunes – just search the iTunes store in the podcast section for ‘HR Happy Hour’

On Android devices using any Podcast app, we like one called Stitcher radio – just search for ‘HR Happy Hour’.

And we will be posting links and summaries of each show here and on the HR Happy Hour site.

You can connect with the show by following HR Happy Hour on Twitter, by liking our Facebook page, or by joining the HR Happy Hour LinkedIn group.

As always, we thank you for your interest in the show!


Preview #HRHappyHour 140 - 'Social, The Company, and The Law'

HR Happy Hour - Episode 140- 'Social, The Company, and The Law'

Sponsored by Aquire

Thursday March 15, 2012 - 8PM ET

Call in 646-378-1086

Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

This week on the show social media employment law expert Eric Meyer makes a return to the HR Happy Hour to talk about the evolving and important topic of the company use of social media, social networking in the organization, and the law.

Since the last time Eric was on the show a couple of years back several significant changes have occurred. First off, the use of social media and social networking platforms by organizations has exploded. It used to be clever to see a 'like us on Facebook' in an advertisement, and today fully branded Twitter hashtag campaigns are common. Second, an emerging marketing, branding, and social media and digital ecosystem of new and leading practices has emerged, influencing how organizations are choosing to interact in social media. Third, many individual employees are seeing their personal brands and images bolstered by their use of social media in their job capacity, placing additional pressure on them and on their leaders. And last, more cases, opinions, and  rulings related to how employee and employer use, ownership, and policies around social media have been developing in the last few years.

So will all that said, we thought it was time for a little refresher course - to try and get you caught up with what has been happening in the legal world with respect to social media use in the enterprise while you have been busy poking people on Facebook.

Eric is a fantastic guest and it should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!

Preview #HRHappyHour 139 - 'Live from NJ: The State of Recruitment'

HR Happy Hour - Episode 139- 'Live from NJ: The State of Recruitment'

Sponsored by Aquire

Tuesday March 6, 2012 - 8PM ET

Call in 646-378-1086

Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio


Tuesday, March 6, 2012 at 8:00PM ET

Live from the Staffing Management Association of New Jersey at Rutgers University.

This week the HR Happy Hour is on the road for the first time in 2012, visting our friends at the Staffing Management Association of New Jersey for a special live show titled 'The State of Recruitment'.

We will talk with the members of SMANJ about their current challenges, concerns, and opportunities, as well as see what new and innovative strategies are really working out in the field.

If you are in the NJ or NYC area and would like to experience the show up-close and personal we have a limited amount of seats available at the Rutgers Busch Campus Center, 604 Bartholomew Road, Piscataway, NJ 08854.

Doors open at 7:30pm. Please contact Robert Hans for more details - 201.385.0387 or rhhrllc@gmail.com

REMINDER - This show is at a Special Date and Time - Tuesday, March 6 at 8:00PM ET

It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!

Preview - #HRHappyHour 137 - 'Creating a Brandful Workforce'

HR Happy Hour - Episode 137- 'Creating a Brandful Workforce'

Sponsored by Aquire

Thursday February 23, 2012 - 8PM ET

Call in 646-378-1086

Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

This week on the show we welcome a special guest, Julia Gomez, who will be giving the opening keynote at the upcoming ERE Expo in San Diego.

Julia is the Founder of the Brandful Workforce - an organization dedicated to helping corporations involve and leverage their engaged workforce toward more aligned and powerful branding. Prior to founding Brandful Workforce in 2011, Julia was at JetBlue, where she started the JetBlue employee relations department, and later was the Director of the People Analytics & Engagement Division.

We hear and read a lot about companies and organizations that claim that their people are their ‘Number 1 Asset’, but often there is a disconnect between this stated belief or philosophy, and the reality of the organizational experience.

But some companies not only believe that people and their talent represent the organization’s top competitive advantage, they actually act in ways that reinforce that belief and use it to create successful organizations.

JetBlue Airlines is known as one such company, and while our guest Julia was there, she played an integral role in the creation and execution of programs that helped connect people to the mission at JetBlue which has led to some fantastic outcomes.

So tonight we will talk about some of those experiences, as well as get Julia’s ideas about how the lessons learned at JetBlue might have more broad applicability in your organization.

It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!

Preview - #HRHappyHour Episode 136 - 'What's on Your Mind?'

HR Happy Hour - Episode 136- 'What's on Your Mind?'

Sponsored by Aquire

Thursday February 16, 2012 - 8PM ET

Call in 646-378-1086

Follow the conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

Listen live on the show page here, on the call in listener line, or using the widget player below:

Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio

This week we are, in a moment of Linsanity, going all open mic, no specific or scheduled topics, no formal guests, just an open discussion about what is going on in your world. Yep, it is another HR Happy Hour 'Open Mic' night - even though I swore I'd never do another one...

What's happening at work?

Are you hiring? Finding it hard to locate the right talent?

Are you going to any cool HR or Recruiting events in the next few months you want to talk about or promore?

Are you on board with Linsanity?

Did you watch the Dog Show? The Grammys? What do you think about the Oscars?

Like I said, anything goes on the HR Happy Hour Show tonight, so all are encouraged to call in, to tweet, and to participate in the show.

I think I have even roped special guests and long time friends of the show Lance Haun and Trish McFarlane to sit in as well.

It should be a fun show and I hope you can join us!