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    Ask the Experts

    News flash - I do not know everything. Flickr - Great BeyondIn fact, even in my area of expertise, HR Technology, I do not have all the answers.

    So when you accept the fact that you don't know everything, but still want or need to provide answers, insight, customer service, whatever, what do you do?

    You find people who do have the answers, or at least can help lead you in the direction of the answers.

    So for me, for the final session of my HR Technology class, for the part of the class where the students typically look to the instructor for some final thoughts, insights, and advice for the future, I did just that. I asked the experts.  I put out a request to the Twitter community for HR and HR Technology experts willing to connect to a web conference and participate in a expert panel Q&A session with my students.

    And in a show of community and support that is a hallmark of the Twitterverse multiple experts volunteered their time, and shared their knowledge, expertise, and insights with my class. I have thanked them all on twitter, but I would like to thank and acknowledge them once again here. So, here they are, the Steve's HR Technology Class Expert Panel for 2009: (in no particular order):

    Diedre Honner - aka The HR Maven follow her on Twitter - thehrmaven

    Lisa Rosendahl - the voice behind HR Thoughts - follow her on Twitter - lisarosendahl

    Karen Mattonen - from HireCentrix - follow her on Twitter - HireCentrix

    Becky Allen from Serco North America - follow her on Twitter - beckyallen

    Michael Krupa from Infobox - follow him on Twitter - pdxmikek

    Susan Burns from Talent Synchronicity - follow her on Twitter - TalentSynch

    Mark Stelzner from Inflexion Advisors - follow him on Twitter - stelzner

    Without exception, each expert brought great perspective and wisdom to the class, and I truly thank them once again, and appreciate their contribution.

    Already, folks are asking me when the next chance will be to connect with my students and do it all over again, so I am sure these type of expert panels will continue.

    I don't have all the answers, but more and more, I know how to find the people who do.




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    Reader Comments (3)

    Steve, you are doing great things with your students. Learning goes both ways and I enjoyed the opportunity. Sign me up for the next one~

    February 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterLisa Rosendahl

    Thanks Lisa for the comments and of course for participating. After class was over the other evening, I noticed at least one student reading your blog, hopefully many more students will do the same. Thanks again!

    February 21, 2009 | Registered CommenterSteve

    Was glad I could help out and I enjoyed the class. Let me know when you want to do it again but next time we need to get Lisa Rosendahl hooked up with a microphone!

    February 21, 2009 | Unregistered CommenterMichael Krupa

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