HR Happy Hour - Episode 5 - Why HR?
Why HR?
Why did HR folks choose to go into HR in the first place, and why do they stay?
Any why is almost every HR department something like 75% female? (Not complaining, just saying).
These questions and more will be answered on the next Episode of the HR Happy Hour set for Friday, July 17, 2009 at a special time 8:00 PM EDT, 5:00 PM PDT.
This week Shauna Moerke (your favorite HR Minion) and I will take your calls, address these burning questions, and hopefully have a few laughs. There are no 'official' guests booked, so plan on calling in and bringing the knowledge.
To listen to the show live go here - HR Happy Hour - Episode 5
The call-in number is 646-378-1086, if you want to come on the air, be sure to press '1' on your phone.
The show can also be listened to live using the widget below, and shortly after the live broadcast will be available for download and on iTunes.
I hope you can join us for 'Why HR'?

Wow - what a great show, thanks so much to the folllowing folks that called in and participated:
Jason Seiden - Jason advised women in HR to 'toughen up' if they truly aspire to senior leadership roles, and caused Shauna to shriek loudly when he came on the air. Check out what Jason is up to at
Susan Burns - Susan shared some great insights on the evolution of the HR role and offered some ideas for ways that HR can address some of its hey challenges in the future. To see more on Susan's work go to and
Michael VanDervort - Michael gave us some updates on what he has been working on, lots of social media outreach for his giant company, blogging panels, and some upcoming conferences. Check out Michael's blog at
Kari Quaas - Kari gave us some of her views on what she would advise HR leaders to be thinking about today, which included being open to new ideas and concepts, like social media. Take a look at Kari's site-
It was an excellent discussion and I look forward to the next show - stay tuned for details
Thanks to all!
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