Getting your HR friends on Twitter? Start Here
The hardest part of getting started on Twitter is figuring out who to follow. If you are an HR professional, HR student, or job seeker, you will only get so far following Oprah or Ashton or Shaquille.
Not very far actually.
Ashton can't help you with the latest developments in E-Verify.
Shaq is not going to offer to critique your cover letter.
No to get any value at all from Twitter you need to find and follow 'real' HR professionals, recruiters, companies, bloggers, the kind of people you can learn from, engage with, and share your expertise with.
So how do you go about that? Well, a new service called TweepML has made the process of sharing lists of Twitter users to follow much easier.
Sign up for TweepML, create or upload a list of Twitter names that you want to put on a 'recommended follow' list, then share the list via a link, email, or an embeddable button or widget.
I even did the hard work for you, I created two TweepML lists (since the service limits lists to 100 Tweeps) of HR and Recruiting Twitter folk that I personally follow and recommend.
Click on the links below and you will be taken to the TweepML site where you can easily follow all the names on the list (or just the ones you are interested in) by supplying your Twitter name and password.
HR and Recruiting Peeps - Part 1
HR and Recruiting Peeps - Part 2
Totally easy right? Just think about when you first signed up for Twitter. What if you were given a list of 200 awesome and relevant accounts to follow from Day 1?
Let me know what you think of TweepML, and of the lists themselves. I can always start list number three with your suggestions.

The problem with making these kinds of lists, whether great blogs, Twitter users, or anything else is that no matter how long the list, some great people get left out, either through oversight, error, or system limitations. I want to mention some folks here that absolutely should have been included on the above lists, and I apologize for that.
JennyDeVaughn - A must follow in the recruiting and social media space
sexythinker - Amanda Hite, the founder and CEO of Talent Revolution, and someone that HR and Recruiting pros have to follow, I think
Reader Comments (19)
Steve - this is awesome! Great list and very easy to use the application. Thank you so much.
thanks for the post!
This is wonderful - keep the ideas, tips and tools coming!
@Sharlyn - Thanks very much, I love 'easy' to use thing!
@Charlane - Thank you for reading!
@Lisa - You are awesome and I love how you revamped your blogroll/Great Reads page using these tips, you rock!
Great post! Thanks for the great info!
Great list! A couple of additions for Part III :
Libby Sartain (@libbysartain)
Marvin Smith (@talentcommunity)
And, humbly, I submit myself (@peopleshark)
Wondering if the application imposes the 100-person limitation? A 1,000 person HR list is possible!
Have a great week,
@Shennee - Thanks very much!
@Carmen - Those are all great suggestions! Yes, the TweepML site limited each list to 100 users but I think that limitation will be lifted soon.
Thanks for this post and for those two initial lists, Steve. I am humbled to be included. I cannot tell you how much I have learned in 3 months of Tweeting with these great people.
I am fairly new to twitter so still working on building a quality list to follow so I appreciate your efforts in putting this list together and sharing it. I hope I can get followed back and network with these awesome tweeps.
Paula Wood
LInkedin: - invite me to connect
@Joan - Thanks for the comments and I have enjoyed following you on Twitter!
@Paula - Great, this is a good way to get started, certainly not meant to be 'everyone' out there that is great, but a solid start, thanks for reading.
This is a brilliant idea! I remember when I first join twitter, it took me so much time find the HR network. Now it's all here. I need to go add more ppl to my network too. Thanks Steve!
Steve - another one to follow is @peoplereport
Thanks for the list!
Amazingly useful list Steve!
Will surely blog about it!
@novice-hr - Thanks for the comments, and I am glad you found this helpful. Even more helpful are the people themselves on these lists, I have consistently found them to be generous with their time and expertise.
@kacy - Thanks for the comment and recommendation of @peoplereport, I will definitely check it out.
@Gautam - Thanks very much, and I appreciate you checking out this post.
My ego was surviving being left off the list, until I realized Mr Scrubby beat me out (fist shake!). I know he's the Cat's Meow but I think we at TalentedApps have blogged just a bit more... ;-)
- Meg
@Meg - You were not on the list? That is BS and the guy who set them up is a joke. And I mean that. Terrible oversight.
Great lists! A request for list 3 if there is one @techiehunter
You made me laugh at the beginning of your post. Thanks for adding me to the list. I appreciate you.
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