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« The Best HR City Show | Main | Do Amazing Things! »

Getting Around

It has been a really busy week for me so far, not just due to starting a new job, but with several projects and collaborative initiatives that I have been working on all hitting at almost the same time:

Today, a conversation about technology and its importance and impact on employee benefits and wellness programs that Fran Melmed and I had is broken down at Fran's Free Range Communication blog. Fran does fantastic work, is a fabulous writer, and a super person, please pop over to Free Range Communication and check it out.

Earlier this week, I was lucky and proud to be one of the contributors to Chris Ferdinandi's 'Do Amazing Things' E-book project.  The E-book can be downloaded, free, from Chris' site - RenegadeHR. Flickr - vmpyr_david. Why does it say 'McQueen' and not 'Boese'?

Next an interview I did with Mary Ellen Slayter, Senior Editor of the SmartBrief on Workforce on a variety of HR and HR Technology topics was published on the SmartBlog on Workforce yesterday. 

Finally tomorrow night, Thursday January 14, the HR Happy Hour show is back live, with 'The Best HR City' show.  So if you think your city is all that in the HR/Recruiting world I am calling you out to call in and represent.  The winning city gets a visit in 2010 from Shauna and I, and a live Episode from your town.

I apologize if you are getting sick of me, but it can't be helped.  After all 2010 is the 'Year of Steve'.

I am kidding, I don't really believe it is the Year of Steve. I am doing way too snow shoveling for that to be true.

Have a great day everyone!

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    Mass Technologies offers a comprehensive auto garage software solution in Dubai. It automates garage management processes, from car entry and diagnostics to inventory and invoicing, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Reader Comments (2)

love the self-indulgent tag. ah, if only we were all so self-aware ;)
thanks for the chat.


January 13, 2010 | Unregistered Commenterfran melmed

Thanks very much Fran!

January 14, 2010 | Registered CommenterSteve

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