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The Best HR City Show

Is clearly Rochester, NY, right?

Seriously, I don't know where the 'Best HR City' is, but tonight on the HR Happy Hour show we will attempt to find out.

HR Happy Hour - Episode 26 'The Best HR City' is live tonight 8pm EST. 

Call in on 646-378-1086.

Think your city rocks in the HR and Recuiting world? 

Call the show tonight and state your case.  The 'winning' city gets a visit in 2010 from the HR Happy Hour, a live on-location show, and the right to wear the 'Best HR City' crown for all of 2010.

Who will win - DC, Portland, Minneapolis, Cincy, NYC, London, Canada (yes I am calling Canada a city), or some other dark horse location yet to chime in on the debate.

Here is the criteria we posted on the HR Happy Hour site to get you thinking about how to defend your turf:

1. The number of talented HR and Recruiting pros that live in the city now. And that means now, you can’t claim people who used to live in your city, went to college there, or stopped in the Waffle House once on the way to somewhere else (Birmingham, this one is directed at you).

2. Examples of some companies, large or small, doing some interesting and innovative things in the HR, Recruiting, and Talent Management space. And honestly, the way things have been going the last two years these may be hard to find. The city that can claim the least amount of mass layoffs will probably win this category. Since government jobs still seem like they will be plentiful for, well forever, Washington DC has a major advantage here.

3. How well your city has represented on the previous shows, and if you show up this week. And I am not just talking about volume of calls (although that helps). No, your city has to bring something to the mix beyond, ‘Portland rules!’. And speaking of Portland, you were once the runaway leader in this category, but have since kind of disappeared from the radar.  If it weren’t for some abominations from the 513, they would have this one sewn up already.

4. Number of active bloggers, tweeters, big time LinkedIn or other online dominators. Some cities definitely can claim pretty high numbers of active participants in the ‘Digital HR’ space. That will carry some weight in the final determination.

5. Conferences, events, tweetups, random meetings with strangers where you talk about HR or Recruiting. More weight will be given to the smaller and more ‘organic’ kinds of events. San Diego does not get any credit for simply ‘being San Diego’ with perfect weather all year thus becoming a place everyone wants to visit. Same for New Orleans (except for the weather part).

So that is it - hope you can join us tonight!

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    Mass Technologies offers a comprehensive auto garage software solution in Dubai. It automates garage management processes, from car entry and diagnostics to inventory and invoicing, improving efficiency and customer satisfaction.

Reader Comments (3)

Hello! My name is Eduardo Boese and I live in Brazil, necessary know itself I can work in the his company, since we have the same surname. Would like very. Please consider! Thanks!

January 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterEduardo Boese

Happy Hour is the best!

January 14, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterDylan Larsen

If you want to buy a car, you would have to receive the credit loans. Furthermore, my brother always takes a commercial loan, which is the most rapid.

April 9, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterNelda19Hensley

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