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London Calling

The HR Happy Hour Show that is....

Episode 27 - 'trulondon 2 Preview' - Thursday January 21, 2009 - 8PM EST

Call in 646-378-1086

The show is back live tonight with the 'Trulondon 2 Preview' show.   In case you have not heard, and if you haven't shame on you Bill Boorman, trulondon 2 is the next installment in Bill's slow march towards global domination.

Seriously, trulondon is a Recruiting, HR, and Technology 'unconference', a semi-structured gathering that will bring together experts, practitioners, and thought leaders from the UK and US for two days of sessions on a wide range of topics in the Talent space.

Bill was nice enough to invite me to co-lead a few sessions, and I am looking forward to heading over to participate in the event, do a live HR Happy Hour show, and take in my first Premier League match in person.

So check out the HR Happy Hour show tonight, find out what trulondon is all about from the event's founders and a few of the session leaders, and maybe just maybe make your plans to come to the event.  We will get you all the information you need.

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