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Carnival of HR - Stay Warm Edition

The latest Carnival of HR is up over at Lisa Rosendahl's 'Simply Lisa' blog.

Lisa did a tremendous job with the Carnival, and incorporated a cool winter theme to the collection of posts.

Some of my favorites from this edition:

Gautam Ghosh with - Thinking About Social Employee Relationship Management

Paul Smith with - Fixing a Hole

and Laura Schroeder's No More Stars.

My little cautionary tale about what job candidates and saying and posting online about your organization and hiring process, Candidates are Talking, is there as well.

I highly recommend spending some of your cold winter's day checking out the Carnival. 

Great job Lisa!

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Reader Comments (2)

Steve-Thanks so much for the additional Carnival shout-out. It's most appreciated.

January 20, 2010 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Smith

No worries at all Paul - I thought it was en excellent post. Cheers!

January 20, 2010 | Registered CommenterSteve

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