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The 8 Man Rotation - Ebook

Today I am really pleased to support the launch of a little not-so-secret project that has been in the works for the last few months - an Ebook called 'The 8 Man Rotation', that I have the pleasure and honor to have played a small role in creating.

The good Dr. Matthew Stollak, Assistant Professor of Business Administration at St. Norbert College, author of the excellent True Faith HR blog, and one of the most passionate sports fans I know hatched the plan to collect, curate, and organize some of the best 'Sports and HR' blog posts written in the last couple of years from a fantastic collection of writers, and create a free Ebook from the hundreds of pieces.

The roster of contributors for The 8 Man Rotation Ebook reads like a who's who of dudes whose better athletic days are far behind them, but whose passion for sports, and the lessons and insights sports can offer to our profession, our workplaces, and our relationships continues unabated, and in spite of withering criticism from some who would hold that the endless sports analogies are tiresome and irrelevant. Haters.

The starting lineup:

Kris Dunn - The HR Capitalist

Lance Haun - ReHaul.com

Tim Sackett - The Tim Sackett Project

Matt Stollak - True Faith HR

and little old me.

The Ebook covers topic ranging from Workforce Planning and Strategy, to Recruiting, to Performance and Talent Management. Of course with a heavy mix of basketball, football, and baseball mixed in.

The PDF version of the Ebook can be downloaded here, and also can be accessed on Slideshare here (also embedded below, email and RSS subscribers may need to click through).

 The 8 Man Rotation Ebook

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Many, many thanks to Matt Stollak for having the idea for the project, sifting through many hundreds of posts about LeBron James, and compiling this really awesome publication of which I am proud to be a small part.

Now download the Ebook and keep it handy while you watch the NBA Playoffs tonight!

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  • Response
    Response: tuyen dung
    Steve's HR Technology - Journal - The 8 Man Rotation - Ebook
  • Response
    A common basketball tactic known as "The 8 Man Rotation" rotates eight players throughout a game as opposed to the customary five. It gives players more time to recuperate, which can result in a more energized team performance.

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