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HR Happy Hour Show Tonight: Work and what it means to you

Tonight on the HR Happy Hour Show (8PM ET/5PM PT), we are going to change it up a bit from the more formal, guest-driven interview style shows we have been doing, and open up the phones (and the Twitter backchannel on #HRHappyHour), to simply talk about work.

Yep, it is that simple. Just an hour of open and loosely structured conversation, in honor of the upcoming Labor Day holiday in the USA, to share observations, stories, critiques, and congratulations about our experiences with work and in our careers.

What was your first 'real' job? 

What was the best job you ever had? The worst one?

What were some of the early experiences in your career that have shaped and helped determine what you are today? 

Who was influential to you as you got your start and deserves a thank you? Who influences you now?

And finally, if you are currently looking for work, or are just looking for a change - what is it you'd really like to do? What's your dream job?

We hope many of the loyal HR Happy Hour Show listeners will call in tonight to share their stories, experiences, and insights about work.

But wait - there's more!

As an added bonus longtime HR Happy Hour Show co-host Shauna Moerke, the HR Minion will make a special guest appearance on the show to climb back in the co-pilot seat tonight. And you know she will have some great stories.

Here's how to listen and participate tonight:

The show starts at 8:00PM ET tonight, Sept. 1, 2011.

Listen live from the show page here - HR Happy Hour - Episode 116- 'The Labor Day Show'

Or using the widget player embedded here:

Listen to internet radio with Steve Boese on Blog Talk Radio


Call in to get on the air using - 646-378-1086 and Press '1' once you are connected and you will be on!

And finally, follow the backchannel conversation on Twitter - hashtag #HRHappyHour

It should be a really fun show and I hope you can join us!

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