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    Mapping the ideal candidate

    Don't worry - this isn't a political post...  

    Just a quick take for one for an Election Day, then we can get back to riling each other up on Facebook.

    I wanted to share this excellent mind map found on the Nordstrom Innovation Lab careers page.  Titled ''What We Want in a Teammate", the mind map is an interesting and novel way for an organization to attempt to communicate what they see are the important traits, characteristics, and behaviors in theor organization.

    Pretty cool, right?  And while I admit to not actually visiting the careers page of every organization in the world, I will state unequivocally that this is the first 'Candidate Profile Mind Map' I have ever seen.

    The Nordstrom Innovation Lab describes itself as "a lean startup operating inside of Nordstrom" and as a place where "We move through ideas quickly, using whichever technologies make sense. Our process incorporates methodologies and practices from Design Thinking, Lean Startup, agile, and lean thinking."

    I don't know much else about the Innovation Lab, including if indeed they are very innovative at all, but I do think it is a smart idea for an older organization in a seemingly un-sexy industry, (retailing), to try and position themselves on their careers site as a place not at all like most potential candidates would expect.

    What do you think - is creating a Mind Map of the ideal candidate a good idea?

    Could you create one for your organization if you tried?

    Note: This Lifehacker piece from a couple of years back has links to several free Mind Mapping tools in case you are interested in playing around with these ideas.

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    The interesting bit to me is the ability to see the thought process that goes into choosing candidates. The whole concept of the mind map is fluid, less a laundry list of skills and programs, and more how the team functions, and how individuals make their own contributions to that function.

    November 6, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKelly O

    I agree Kelly - I also like the fact that it presents these traits in a non-linear way. It gives at least the sense for these roles, and for the people that would be successful in them, that flexibility and creativity are really important. Something that a typical list of bullet points can't really do. Thanks very much for your comments!

    November 6, 2012 | Registered CommenterSteve

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