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    Scrooging on Christmas Eve

    Happy Holidays all!

    Are you reading this at the office today?  Sucker!

    Since working around the holidays can be kind of a drag, it totally is understood if having to work puts you in a bit of a crabby mood. I mean everyone else is home, on the way to Grandma's house, sleeping in (and waking up with some Egg Nog or Bloody Marys), while you are stuck in a two-thirds empty office.  The mental math that attempts to answer the question, 'When do I think I can leave and not get in trouble' started about 8:25.  

    Note: The answer to this question is 2:30PM.  It seems a little late I know, but if you want to be sure to not get hassled, stick it out until then. Besides it is a pretty slow day anyway - can you really call reading this post working?

    But I do feel for the folks that have been left holding down the fort so to speak.

    Take heart though, it could be much, much worse. You could be one of the retail front-line workers and managers that routinely are asked required to give up more and more of their holiday time to be at work. Or you could be manning the grill at the local Mickey D's and be facing the prospect of dishing up some fries and McRibs on Christmas day.

    So it isn't all that bad, really.

    If you are working today, or even if you are not, one thing we can all try to do a little better at as we make the last of our rounds at the mall, grocery, or local package goods shop is to have some patience, understanding, and thanks for the  good folks that really are out there working today and tonight.

    Think of it this way - you are a crabby, miserable Scrooge since you have to sit in your office (until 2:30), pretending to work. They have to stand behind a counter or cash register and deal with the likes of you all day.

    Happy Christmas Eve!

    Now try and do something productive.

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